Where to start ?


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Mar 29, 2006
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Where do I start my quest in taking home a male and female mantid nymphs to attempt to breed them? What kind of object do I keep them in? (terranium? screened cage? something other?)

Here's my story...

I'm a fan of all insects, but mantids especially. Love this place already BTW! I'm primarily a photographer (not here to spam but for any of you enjoy photographing your mantids come check out BugPhotography.net your photos and knowledge are very welcomed!)

I found a pound in Delaware, USA (i'm in PA) last year where I saw dozens, i mean dozens of nymphs. (you can see my photoshere (under construction)

I'm thinking of taking 2 home to breed so i can photograph an ootheca and the offspring and just witness nature and evolution on my time.

Now, I'm sure it wasn't a freak accident that i saw so many. I will return this year, hopefully they are there all the time and i would assume so it's a large pond.

Would appreciate any advice from as many people as possible that wouldn't mind chiming in. I'll be scouring this website more just thought I'd ask in the meantime.

Thanks all in advance.

Happy buggin!

- Paul

keep them in critter keepers (you can get them at almost any pet shop) and feed them fruit flies (you can buy them a pet shops) try to feed them every other day. When they make it past there third shed or moult wait a day for their skin to harden and they should be big enough to take small crickets you upgrade sizes of crickets as they grow. and those are the basics i don't want to go into detail.

basically they can be kept in most containers (jars, cups, kritter keepers, screened/mesh cages, tanks etc). height is more important, floor space less so.

I keep small nymphs in clear 32 oz deli cups and feed them fruit flies until they can take larger prey. When they outgrow the cups move them into small 2 1/2 gallon divided tanks until they outgrow that. Final size enclosure depends on the size of the adult mantis. I prefer to use moist spahgnum moss in the bottom of my enclosures for most species. You can get it at any Lowe's or Home depot. It comes dried. Keep it moist by misting it every few days. Seach through this board and you should fine answers to most of your questions.


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