Where's Cosbyart?


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Welcome back Thomas! It sounds like you have had quite a rough ride while you were gone. But you made it through, and that is amazing! I really hope the mental fog clears up for you eventually though...I feel like that must be a very frustrating state to be in constantly. :(  Also make sure you stop being stubborn about doctors! You have to pay attention to your health, because it doesn't take long for certain things to spiral out-of-control quickly if you don't get them taken care of in time! And unfortunately there are certain things in which you can never recover from, if you wait too long to seek help! 

Happy to have you back but oh boy that was a rough trip. 

Anyone that has tangled with pneumonia knows how terrible it is. I had it 2 years back, was out for 2 weeks and lost 15lbs before I managed to get the proper antibiotics. That was a horrible experience and it was nowhere near what you went through. The confusion is terrible and I hope your mind sees fit to clear itself a little and you remain on the mend.

Welcome back!
Thanks, Sorry to hear you tangled with it too.

I hear you there about the weight loss, I was surprised when I got home I could see it in my face even.

Glad to hear you're back and healthy! If you had been close to Allentown, PA you could've been cared for by a fellow mantis keeper ?

I've seen many people die from Strep pneumonia, and there's a vaccine to help us learn to kill it. Take advantage!
Ha, that would have been funny. :)

I just searched a bit and saw the pneumococcal vaccine, I'll have to see about getting it. Thanks for the tip.

Welcome back! I'm relieved to see that you pulled through. I've never had pneumonia or sepsis and it sounds terrible :(
Thanks, it was a bit rough. I guess it was one of those things many people would say they wouldn't wish on their worst enemy, but it just means they haven't had a true enemy then. ;)

 hy Thomas ,'' ditto'' on all of the afore mentioned comments...........  Serle
Thanks Serle

Welcome back Thomas! It sounds like you have had quite a rough ride while you were gone. But you made it through, and that is amazing! I really hope the mental fog clears up for you eventually though...I feel like that must be a very frustrating state to be in constantly. :(  Also make sure you stop being stubborn about doctors! You have to pay attention to your health, because it doesn't take long for certain things to spiral out-of-control quickly if you don't get them taken care of in time! And unfortunately there are certain things in which you can never recover from, if you wait too long to seek help! 
Thanks. At the moment the mental fog/confusion isn't as strong it seems, there are times it isn't as strong, so it gives me hope it will quit. Ha, after writing that I see it still is. :rolleyes: Getting back to chatting on the forum with text really makes me wonder how my speech is, as there is no correcting it once it's spoken. ;)

Yeah it is a bit frustrating, and has made suspend my projects (my misting/aqua system, arcade cabinet build, and others) as I don't feel up to it, and worry if I even tried I'd ruin it. So I've gotten really acquainted with Netflix to spend my time watching what seems is primarily box office bombs and b-movies.

I will in the future go see a doctor before it reaches that point, but by no means would I go without truly being sick either though. After reaching a crisis point, and being so confused/out of my head I didn't realize it, puts a new perspective on health things.

@CosbyArt I'm sorry for the delayed response, and I'm also so sorry about all that has happened. I'm keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers! However, I'm so glad that you're making the best out of this situation and even returning to the forum despite your health. :)  I think I can speak for everybody when I say that your presence is greatly appreciated on this forum and that we all wish for your wellbeing and happiness. 

@izbiggs Many thanks Izzy. I've gotten a bit better thankfully since I'm off the Zyban now. Seems there is hope the affects of the sepsis will dissipate more about a year afterwards, and I sincerely hope so. ;)
