Who are the current best fruit fly suppliers?


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Well-known member
Feb 25, 2010
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Hi guys,

Just wondering what your recommendations are for the current best fruit fly suppliers.

Things I'm considering are:




What are your top votes?

The more suppliers the better, we all know some folks have hiccups from time to time.

Thanks DooooOOooods...

I would go with the silkworm shop. They ship the flies, and the medium in separate cups, so you don't have a bunch of dead flies drown in the medium from being tossed around during shipping.

I wish I could help you out but I've been culturing the same batch for over a year and a half now. What I can tell you is Joshsfrog.com has VERY good ff media!!! ;)

I usually make my own cultures using Repashy Super Fly. However sometimes I get lazy and need fresh starter cultures. Thats when I need to know Im getting healthy vigorous mite free cultures. Poison beauties all the way

Poison beauties all the way!!! If u want an apple culture made by me (all natural media made from scratch cultures last 5-7 weeks) or the recipe for it please pm me
The ones i got from poison beauty can fly and that sucked i wouldnt buy again unless they guarantee them not fliers. I stick with joshs frogs. Best media by far.

Oh, then just order Repashy superfly if you want media. Myself and other froggers have done yield tests that prove it's superior. More and bigger flies per culture. Poison beauties has excellent customer service. I would be very surprised if he wouldn't take care of issues should they arise with his cultures

Oh, then just order Repashy superfly if you want media. Myself and other froggers have done yield tests that prove it's superior. More and bigger flies per culture. Poison beauties has excellent customer service. I would be very surprised if he wouldn't take care of issues should they arise with his cultures
I'm about out of joshs media so maybe I'll have to try it out. Thanks for the tip.

I'm on a tight budget nowadays and try to make my own cultures. Usually I do OK for about for 7 - 8 months and then end up having to buy more fruitflies if I have an explosion of nymphs and can't keep up. Like ismart, I recommend the Silkworm Shop (aka the Fruit Fly Shop). I've purchased from them 3 times in the past 1.5 years and have been very satisfied. Now I've also purchased their media twice. It's kind of expensive. And it looks like just plain potato flakes or something. I've purchased a 10 pack that comes in bags, and I use it when I'm too busy to mix my own media or if my cultures seem to be crashing. I don't know what the heck is in there, but I end up with larvae in a short time and lots of flies. Usually it saves me from having to buy more flies.

I also purchased fruitflies and media once from Josh Frogs. I had the same experience with mites...huge ones. His media was nice though, and it smelled good. I got a little worried though when I exchanged emails with him about the mites, and he said something about the mites being in the media. I kept the un-used media in the freezer and then put it in the microwave when I was making cultures.
