Who would win in a battle to the death? Mantis or Scorpion?


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Well-known member
Jan 10, 2005
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Which one do you think would win in a battle to the death match? Mantis or Scorpion? You choose!


nice picture! although much as i like scorpions, not too sure I'd like to see the outcome of this as I like mantids just as much if not more.

3rd instar or so baby scorpion and I'd perhaps sway my vote!

My H Grandis would grab him and eat him right up. Nah I really think the scorp would win.

Hmm i voted scorp because of a few reason .... first notice hot the scorp is built like a tank ..i think pinch from those pinchers and the right place = no more mantis and the poisen tail also big factor and i think the shell on the scorp may be to strong for a mantis that size ..... im guessing if the mantis was bigger he could take him ... this is just what i imagin hehe 8)

I would personally think a mantis would win, because of its agility, excelent eyesight, swiftness, smartness and of course its power. It created one of the best kung fu fighting styles for crying out loud lol. The scorpion doesnt have eyesight or swiftness, put it has a lot of power, armor, poison and hairs that feel motion. Thats my opinion, just wait till the real battle begins! lol.


I disagree... the scorp is built like a tank. One sting, or one pinch would most likely take out the mantis. But hey, I guess you never know what could happen..



if the mantises strikes from the fromt the scorpion will just sting it grab it with its pinchers and eat it. From the side just sting it and turn around and eat it. maybe from behind but hes not gunna get behind there

Ummm.....people will think I'm a jerk, but there's only one way to find out!!! A video would be sweet too. By the way, I used to fight orb weaver spiders in the Philippines. Cool sight to see. To bad the ones here are docile and won't fight.


I think that the scorpion would win if they were put together to fight! but I think the scorpion would be fighting for a meal and the mantis fighting for its life so wouldn,t be much of a fight considering the mantis would probs run away in order to live on and breed.

After all, mantis aren't fighters, they're the type to be sly and use camoflage instead.

cheers, Camron.

p.s. sorry for too much detail on this. Just what I think.

Well I think I would win....jk. I think the mantis would win unless the Scorpion pinches him or stings him.

yeah, good point there cam, the mantid probably would be fighting for life. From the experience I have had, if the mantis encounters prey to large, it will strike, and then run away. If it was a gongy (or dave :D ), it may as well say its prayers on the spot, lol...


