Why does my little Spodromantis Viridis keep biting/eating at skin on my hand??


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Apr 29, 2014
Reaction score
Southern California
My little mantis just recently started chewing on my hand when I let him out. Could it be something he smells on my hand? He literally gets to work and leaves a tiny piece of skin missing!

That is strange. Does he act aggressively? I had a sub-adult Blue Flash that was aggressive and would chew on something it attacked in defense if it got hold of it.

weird! The only time I got chewed on was when I tried taking my Hierodula out to show her to my parents on skype. I wasn't paying attention at all to what I was doing, because if I was, I would have noticed that she was in hunting mode, stalking a grasshopper I had left in there for her from earlier. My middle finger got between her and the grasshopper, and she clamped down on it (those raptorials are a lot stronger than they even look!!) She then went to work on my finger, and it wasn't until she got a mouthful of blood that she finally let go! (I guess human flesh isn't their cup o' tea!)


I wasn't mad at her, it was 500% my fault. I just felt like a moron lmao.

Anyways, is it possible that you've been handling your mantis while he's in predatory stalking mode? They're aggressive hunters, these ones. If they're in nom mode, they'll clamp down on anything that moves.

yes, he is looking for moisture and may sound funny a little salt from your sweat probably, not sure but my theory.

Does he grab and then chew? Or just start chewing? If you wave your finger around infront of him chances are he'll think its food and try to grab and attempt to eat it. That's normal for any mantis that's hungry, just means he's not timid. If he bends down and just starts chewing he might be getting a little overzealous while trying to "dig" for water. Most of my mantises are pretty gentle when they try to do that, have never noticed any skin or anything missing. Try to offer him some water if that's the case.

He'll walk around a bit, then settle down and start chewing. I'm thinking it's possible it's the searching for moisture idea. I recall washing my hands once, and handling him right after. Even though I had dried my hands, I'm sure he could still find some moisture. But the second time he wouldn't let go! He took a little piece of skin off, although it was nothing like the photo above. I mist him quite frequently but maybe he wants more!

My mantises ive had so far have done this many times, ive never been biten so it hurts or bleed it just feels weird but i think hes just looking for water, and when i see my mantis do that i normally handfeed him some water on a Q-tips wich he/she normaly drinks from.
