Will my mantis survive?


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Dec 2, 2016
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I just ordered my first mantis for the first time yesterday. (Giant African Mantis) It shipped out today and I got the priority shipping and it said it should be here within 2 days, but I just checked the tracking and it said it won't be here for 4 days. Is it likely my mantis will survive? 

It is generally best never to order live pets through the mail right around Christmas as the mail is prone to getting backed up. Seems like all of my packages have been delayed lately. If the person shipping you packaged the mantis properly, your mantis should have a good chance at survival just as long as the temps aren't cold enough to need a heat pack in route.

@KatSoucy Indeed if the mantis has a chance to survive it will be with Peter's packaging. He is always watching the weather from his location and the destination, and has delayed shipments if he feels they will not make the trip.

Actually I found the winter time one of the better times for getting mantids shipped, that is at least without Christmas delays. As a 72 hour heat pack ensures they survive the trip safely, and during the summer the temperatures can bake a mantid even with a cold pack.

Although I tend to order overnight delivery whenever possible for their safety. ;)

Let us know when/how your Giant African mantis arrives. :)

Thank you everyone! Luckily my mantis arrived today before it said it would. He/She is alive and doing well. Drank and ate some fruit flies ☺

Yay! Waiting is hard sometimes, especially when they take a crazy detour! Mine went to texas when they should have come directly here to Maine. They came but two were in bad shape. Not the seller's fault at all. My address was perfectly written.

Glad to hear your mantis arrived safely, and has already ate. Enjoy your new pet. :)


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