Will the mantids survive 12-21-2012??


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Well-known member
Oct 19, 2012
Reaction score
Princeton, NJ
The topic title says it all.

What are YOUR mantids doing to prepare for tomorrow's armageddon? :eek:

Nikki Mantis has been hoarding crickets and honey.

Mine prefer the duck and cover.....cept the griseas, they don't get the concept; they just think hiding on the bark will protect them...I don't have the heart to tell them it won't :(

Mine are bunkering down with hoards of crix, flies and honey! They're better prepared than I am!

Meluzynn has experienced Doomsday and must be communicating with this board from the Great Beyond !!! :angel:

Mel --- did it hurt?? (hope not). Are there Mantids there?? Nikki wants to know if there was a "splo shun !"

My mantises are having sex like nobody's business. It's weird, the last thing a mantis wants to do. I think my m. religiosa ooth isn't hatching to wait out "doomsday".

Mine are preparing for the mantis invasion since that is why the world is ending in the first place, duh!
