Worlds longest mantis


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Well-known member
Sep 28, 2011
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Ive heard many stories about what is the worlds longest mantis. What is the true longest mantis?

I think some of the toxodera species get to about 7". All the longest species are long and skinny.

I heard that in the 1940's they recorded an 18 inch tendora... The largest specimen apperently
Where did you hear that or did you make it up just now? By where I mean a book or source other than a friend of a friend or some guy. Urban legends are always better if you throw in more detail (1940s was good) but too much detail is probably bad too. "The largest mantis ever discovered was a Tenodera species found in the 1940's by a Filipino snake collector. The mantis was discovered feasting on the very same small snake the collector had been trying to find alive for more than two decades. The man was very angry and nearly tore the animal to shreds but it was so massive the collector thought he might make some money at the local market (even if someone just wanted roast it and eat it for novelty like the Lethocerus & giant crickets he would feel vindicated). He brought the mantis to the market where there just so happened to be an amateur entomologist on holiday from England by the way of Ray Dryer. After some haggling the specimen was procured for what would one day be part of a small collection eventually donated to the local museum upon the amateur entomologist's death. The workers at the museum were astounded by its size but also the careful attention paid to the preservation of the specimen and the detailed records of its location and collection including pictures of the habitat and even remains of the snake. After adding up the length of the body and all the appendages including the antennae, the combined measurements exceeded 18 inches."

I read it on a website, I forget the name... I'll find it after school today. And no I did not make it up. Uhhh was that true or did you just make that up on the spot? I'm sorta confused lol

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If you carefully read the last line you'll realize every Tenodera is that long.

Ya I agree, do wanna send it or me? They will probably listen to you more lol
It might be better if a bunch of people asked since then they might care then (just you or I might not even warrant a response). I am curious what their answer would be.

It might be better if a bunch of people asked since then they might care then (just you or I might not even warrant a response). I am curious what their answer would be.
Yea I agree.. That's a good idea sooo anyone who reads this and wants an answer go to and ask for a source of the 18 inch mantid story..


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