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Well-known member
Aug 4, 2011
Reaction score
I play WoW,

Any1 else on the forums, if not i suggest starting, we could play on same realm and i could help out :D

If you play reply with alts, mains, specs etc.

I play wow time to time and got a few level 85 characters mostly hunters though on dalaran and a few other servers but everquest is my main game

Booooooooooooo Everquest :tt2:

Fenris toons

I have a lvl 85 2hnd frost DK (pvp) <-- goblin

Fizzcrank toons

- Another DK, lvl 85 dw frost DK (pve, intense raider :p ) <----- Belf

- A hunter, lvl 69 BM, my favorite pet is my warpstalker and core hound. <-----Tauren

- Lvl 45 prot paly <---- Belf as well

- Lvl 27 fire mage <---- Goblin

- Lvl 24 feral druid <--- Tauren

I used to play WoW a ton. Had several raiding toons decked out in the best gear the game had to offer at the time.

I'm kinda surprised people still play Everquest. I was one of the first Wizards to get Ice Comet after the commercial release, played pretty hardcore through the Planes of Power expansion. Eventually got into dual boxing and had a blast playing a druid and rogue at the same time. I could snare/dot/kite with the druid and follow behind with the rogue, backstabbin' away. lol

Nope. Stopped playing WoW a few years ago, when I started a new job. I have a tough time playing MMOs casually, so with my increased focus on other things (e.g. job, fiance, mantids, outdoorsy stuff), I haven't played any lately.

I have played WoW before. I did not know what WoW meant until now. I did not like it as much as Starcraft 1. Jordan my younger brother liked it better than Starcraft 1 when he first played it. So I had to play that with him instead of Starcraft 1 and Sudden Attack and Bubble Fighter. Later he did not like WoW as much as the other games. We were very good at Bubble Fighter. I do not know of any video on the internate that shows a person playing Bubble Fighter well. I have not played these games for a year because there are no PC rooms around here. We will have to get two good computers to play these games. Starcraft 1 does not need to have a good computer. I am probably not very good at these games anymore.

Never got into it. I loved the old warcraft strategy games. I am currently hooked on Battlefield 3 and Company of Hero's. Best strategy game ever!!!! I also play RUSE, another great one.
