yo, first time mantis owner


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Oct 20, 2017
Reaction score
i was hoping to hand pick my first mantis at the reptile expo the other day but for the first time since i started going to those events i didn't see a single mantis table :(  anyway i have a few nymphs on the way now and i just whipped up these little enclosures, i used cross stitch fabric called Aida Cloth for the lids as it seemed to have good airflow, is fine enough to hold feeders but not so fine that they wont be able to get a good grip on it while molting and it's a bit thick so it seems strong too. for substrate i have the zoo med forest floor that came with the Bugarium that i got at the expo (i bought it before i went looking for the mantis, you don't want to know how defeated i felt after buying the tank only to leave with nobody to use it with) and there's also a fake flower. lighter for scale.

How's it look?


Welcome to the forum! The enclosures look great. Good idea with the Aida Cloth too... that should work perfectly as long as air flow is good enough. What species do you have coming?

Welcome. :)   Sorry about the disappointment of not coming home with a mantis, but soon enough your new babies will be there!

Oooo a Oxyopsis P. That’s a rarer mantis. Keep us updated on these guys!

i was hoping to hand pick my first mantis at the reptile expo the other day but for the first time since i started going to those events i didn't see a single mantis table :(  anyway i have a few nymphs on the way now and i just whipped up these little enclosures, i used cross stitch fabric called Aida Cloth for the lids as it seemed to have good airflow, is fine enough to hold feeders but not so fine that they wont be able to get a good grip on it while molting and it's a bit thick so it seems strong too. for substrate i have the zoo med forest floor that came with the Bugarium that i got at the expo (i bought it before i went looking for the mantis, you don't want to know how defeated i felt after buying the tank only to leave with nobody to use it with) and there's also a fake flower. lighter for scale.

How's it look?

View attachment 9947
Welcome :)
