Your mantis dream list


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Well-known member
Jan 25, 2012
Reaction score
Long island, NY
Hey everybody

I was just wondering what your mantid dream species list could be? Say if you could list 10 species, what would they be?

Mine would be:

Stenophylla lobivertex

Parymenopus davisoni

Pachymantis bicingulata

Ceratomantis saussuri

Toxodera denticulata

Callibia diana

Metallyticus splendidus

Plistospilota guineensis

Ceratocrania macra

Brancsikia aeroplana

Phyllothelys werneri

Choeradodis rhombicollis

Paratoxodera cornicollis

Citharomantis falcata

Parablepharis kuhlii

Hapalopeza sp.

Angela trifasciata

List your own!

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Honestly the exact same list but make Toxodera sp. top of the list and add

Choerododis Rhombifolia :D

D. Truncata

Bolbona Hottentotta

Ephestiasula Pictipes

Gonatista grisea

Gongylus Gonglodes

H. Keralensis

Idolomorpha Lateralis

Oxypilus Distinctus

....that's all I can think of right now...

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Schizocephala bicornis

Toxodera sp.


Popa Undata

Pseudocreobotra Ocellata

Texas Unicorn

Dragon mantis

Peacock mantis

Phyllocrania Paradoxa


Cilnia humeralis

Parasphendale affinis

Parasphendale agrionina

Pnigomantis medioconstricta

I want to own all of these simultaneously.

Peruvian shield mantis

Acanthops sp.

Gonatista grisea

Deroplatys lobata/dessicata

Sybillia prettiosa

Blepharopsis mendica


Im just putting my dream mantids that i DONT have ;) be thankful for what you have!

hierodula salomonis

heterochaeta sp

Toxoderopsis taurus

otomantis sp

callibia diana

majangella sp.

tropidomantis sp

macromantis sp.

parablepharis kuhlii

sphodropoda tristis

geomantis larvoides

Neomantis australis

acromantis sp.

gyromantis sp.

psychomantis malayensis

amorphoscelis pulchella

pogonogaster tristani

rivetina baetica

Stagmatoptera hyaloptera

junodia stiewei


Carrikerella sp

ceratocrania macra

Texas Unicorn

Heterochaeta sp

Blepharopsis mendica

Gongylus Gonglodes

Hymenopus coronatus

Choerododis Rhombifolia

Peruvian shield mantis

Acanthops sp.

Gonatista grisea

Deroplatys lobata/dessicata

Sybillia prettiosa

Blepharopsis mendica


Im just putting my dream mantids that i DONT have ;) be thankful for what you have!
In the line of mantids possible to get:

Hymenopus coronatus

Phyllovates chlorophaea

Deroplatys lobata

Gongylus gongylodes

Pseudempusa pinnapavonis

Rhombodera fusca

Omomantis zebrata

Blepharopsis mendica

Phyllocrania paradoxa

Cilnia humeralis

Yes i'm thankful for what I have.

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You guy's are wack! making a list without Plistospilota guineensis on it, for real? And the Blue jay washing my puter screen is getting annoying!(jk) :p

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