Your pets?


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1 Giant Beagle (he´s a pure blood but I have never seen any beagle as big as his monstrous self)
2 House Cats, one decidedly fuzzier then the other
1 Giant Prickly Stick Insect (L-no idea at all)
17 Miomantis paykulli/Egyptian Pygmy (L-all over the place)
6 Ghost Mantises (L4)
7 Violin Mantises (L5)
4 Adult Deaths Head Cockroaches and an uncertain number of babies who are VERY good at hiding
4 Juvenile Dubia Cockroaches (Grow faster would you :p )

And soon at least 2 to 4 frogs! I am starting to set up vivariums for them while I wait for the pet store to finally get some in. I am looking to get some Amazon Milk Frogs and/or Whites Tree Frogs and eventually one or two rain frogs if I can get them ordered in for me :D  

I had to leave my two geckos (Leopard and Tokay) behind when I moved from Canada to Iceland as they are illegal here but they where left with good friends and I shall refill the hole in my heart with froggies.

I had to leave my two geckos (Leopard and Tokay) behind when I moved from Canada to Iceland as they are illegal here but they where left with good friends and I shall refill the hole in my heart with froggies.
Lovely critter family! That's a big move Canada to Iceland! I moved from Canada to Florida  and had to leave 3 hand raised wild birds behind :(  

Very nice to hear and see others pets. :D

I've been slacking lately, and 2017 has been a bad year for pets and me. What I will share is...

  • Shelly, a Shih-Tzu that woke me up again today licking me to go outside ;)
  • Stormie, a gray tabby cat (that ironically hates storms)
  • Sissy, a tortoiseshell cat (black calico basically) that is a absolute butterball
  • Salem, my new kitty and he is a handful
  • Harley, a adult Chilean rose tarantula (Grammostola rosea)
  • Georgina, a juvenile unconfirmed Curly Hair tarantula (Brachypelma albopilosum) (I got her at maybe 1/2" DLS at a local pet store and she is now over 2" DLS)
  • Hundred of crickets, food for pets (primarily past pets), but due to their breeding and constant chirping seemingly a pet themselves
Earlier in the year I had about 9 more species, and hundred+ more pets. Short lifespans always means a constant changing list, which is only good to try more species. It is a reason too I have been more arachnid focused, the lifespans are huge compared to insects. Hoping soon to return some of my regular mantid/insect/arachnid species back into my bugroom. I am waiting for 2018 to roll in at least.

@CosbyArt Glad to hear you are starting to come back... I saw a lot of your posts from a while back but always wondered where you went. Hopefully we will see you around some more?

I've been slacking lately, and 2017 has been a bad year for pets and me. What I will share is...
Fabulous!!! I love when people include the pet names.. I was originally going to share my pets' names, but there are so many I thought "people are just going to skip right over it"... But here it goes anyhow...

* 6 Mantis nymphs:
- Little Bug, budwing mantis (my favorite. Shhhhh dont' tell the others)  - Femme Fatale, Giant Malaysian Shield mantis- Thelma Von Tussle, Blue Flash mantis                     - Mrs. Lovett, Giant African 
- Cercei, Jeweled Flower mantis- Veruca Salt, Giant Rainforest mantis

* 2 Dogs:
- Zero, chihuahua/terrier mix 
- Jett, corgi/black lab mix 

* 3 Cats:
- Keeva, fluffy grey princess
- Keely, grey & white fuzzball (sister to the princess)
- Kali, annoying calico

* Fraggle, Leucistic Axolotl

* Twitch, Leopard Gecko
* 6 dwarf rats (males):
- Echo 
- Oliver 
- Picasso 
- Rivet
- Oakley

* 19 standard size rats:
(10 males)
- Riff Raff
- Kai
- Koda
- Arcade
- Mokhi 
- Castiel
- Maddox
- Maiko
- Jorah
- Jaeger 
(9 females)
- Nim
- Fable
- Gypsy
- Wednesday
- Salem
- Josie
- Juul
- Molly Moon
- Aelan

* Lilo, Blood Parrot cichlid 

* Zora, Red Tailed Shark

* 6 bettas:
- Drogon
- Pink Floyd 
- Frost
- Steve
- Bob
- Dr. Seuss  

.... and a bunch of smaller community fish without names (different types of tetras, rasboras etc).  I won't count the feeder insects lol


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@CosbyArt Glad to hear you are starting to come back... I saw a lot of your posts from a while back but always wondered where you went. Hopefully we will see you around some more?
Thanks, I have been more behind the scenes this year answering PM's, some mod duties, and primarily busy with work and projects. Now as it is getting into winter, as we have had snow a few times, orders are slowing down so I have been finding more time to stop by the forum. :)

Fabulous!!! I love when people include the pet names.. I was originally going to share my pets' names, but there are so many I thought "people are just going to skip right over it"... But here it goes anyhow...
Thanks :D I figured if someone bothered to read what I wrote anyway they would be curious of their name and perhaps a bit about them; otherwise, they would skip it anyway. ;)

A few do skip anything more than one sentence and will blame you for being wordy or such, but no worries. After all this is not Twitter so there is no extremely limited response, or the related attention span.

Lots of names there, and seems like you are able to keep them straight. Looking at your list It seems your a Rocky Horror Picture Show, 70s Progressive Rock, Arcade and likely entertainment/jukebox fan with Kodi, an avid book reader, CW TV fan, and fan of many other things. Even if it is a bit corny, I really like the rat name NIM. :D

Also as I did not say it when you joined, welcome to the forum.

seems like you are able to keep them straight. Looking at your list It seems your a Rocky Horror Picture Show, 70s Progressive Rock, Arcade and likely entertainment/jukebox fan with Kodi, an avid book reader, CW TV fan, and fan of many other things.
Haha! Pretty close ;)

Nice to see others' pets!  My list is short:

1 adult female Tenodera sinensis - Sachi

4 adult Phyllocrania paradoxa - Panya (F), Siti (F), Dulani (M), Hasani (M)

And that's it!  I would love to have cats or other pets but we are holding off because of the commitment and the fact that we travel quite often right now.  Mantids have proven to be a fairly low maintenance pet, although I admit I have had a friend come over and feed and water a few times while we've been gone on the last few trips.

I also foster animals for the local shelter, primarily litters of kittens, until they are ready for adoption.  So I do get my cat fix that way. :)

I also foster animals for the local shelter, primarily litters of kittens, until they are ready for adoption.  So I do get my cat fix that way. :)
Hats off to you for fostering! I had considered doing the same, but my small zoo takes up all my spare time :(  

I plan to downsize the number of pets I keep as time goes on. Hopefully it works better than last time I tried. I had 14 rats and when I was down to 1, I said I'll not keep that many again. But somehow I ended up with 25 rats, and extra dog, and 5 mantids... I clearly have an issue with math  :lol:

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@DefyTheNorms It has taken a lot of self restraint for me to not end up with a small zoo of mantids.  It is definitely tough!  There are a lot of species I want to try but I'm trying to minimize the number I have at a time.

As for the fostering, it's a lot of fun and very rewarding if you do get the chance in the future, as long as you accept that while you do get to snuggle kittens a lot, you spend just as much time cleaning up their messes. :p

@Ocelotbren I definitely want to foster cats, dogs, and even small animals. I'm hoping I can keep my pet number back, but still feel fulfilled that way. Tho I'm also afraid I'd be a total foster fail and keep them all LOL  

Foster failure is always a risk!  So far I've managed to escape it but returning some of them was pretty hard.  Some of the mother cats have been really nice cats and they tempted me even more than the kittens.  All kittens are cute and fun but not all adult cats maintain the type of personality you might look for in a cat.

All kittens are cute and fun but not all adult cats maintain the type of personality you might look for in a cat.
I totally agree with that. Well at least since you are fostering, you'll have a good chance to find the perfect kitty when the time comes :)

I have only Cochise, my hierodula sp. and my dog Scooby a crossbreed labrador..

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