Zorak has a bum leg. :(


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Well-known member
Oct 2, 2011
Reaction score
Madison, WI USA
Mannn.. My Blepharopsis mendica has been an adult for over a month. He's always been ship-shape. I guess I haven't picked him up for a while, because today I found him this way:


Sad! I really don't know what happened. He hasn't had a cricket for a while (usually flies). He doesn't have any metal screen around, just wide plastic grid. What should I do?? Cut the bad part off?

Well, is the leg still operational? Can he still use it to walk on stuff? if so then I wouldn't worry about it unless the brown part of the leg spreads further up the leg. If not, then I would wait a few days to see if he chews it of himself or if it just falls off (still watching to see if the discoloration is spreading). If it spreads then cut if off as it could be some sort of bacterial infection (if mantises even get those..... anyway it can't be any good for him lol)

Are you talking about the closest left leg? Thats a darker color, which might mean its dead or infected. I do not know what you are talking about if that is not it?

He will chew it off in a couple days if it doesn't fall off. It looks dead. It's a shame. He looks otherwise perfect. Mine all got ruffled wings no matte what I gave them to molt from.

Sorry to hear of this. :( I wouldn't amputate, they're pretty good about doing that when needed.

And on an unrelated note, I dig his colors. Are they more of a blue-green than your previous pics? Or maybe I'm confusing my mantids or just crazy... :stuart:

Like Henry said, he will chew it off or it will fall off when it's time, I wouldn't do any cutting you would risk infection or stressing him out.

I ended up cutting it off at the joint because it looked like it was bothering him. He didn't like that.. I gave him some banana, and he calmed down and eventually got back to being upside down which he couldn't do before.

I noticed that too about his colors. He's been adult for a while, but sure seems to get more vivid. Handsome guy! Still one of my favorite species.

That's what I was afraid of. I hope I did the right thing. When my Idolo hurt his tarsi, I kept checking and checking, and he never chewed them off and it spread. Poor buddy. Special banana treats!
