LAME's Collection Thread.


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( Update. )

05.05.15: (Egyptian mantid) Mark Antony molts to adulthood.

Not a great photo, it was a quick shot off the cell phone...

Also, one of his two possible mates passed away.

( Update. )

05.05.15: (Egyptian mantid) Mark Antony molts to adulthood.

Not a great photo, it was a quick shot off the cell phone...

Also, one of his two possible mates passed away.
I still cant believe how tiny he is haha, sorry about the possible mate! also the photos pretty good!

( Update. )

05.05.15/05.06.15: My poor Fritz was murdered within his own home by my girlfriend's cat... Thinking it would be okay to jump through my tanks screen, Fritz was caught between a large stick and the sidewall. By time I had noticed in the AM it was already to late and he'd passed.

Just another reason for me to despise cats.

Rip: Fritz

( Update. )

05.05.15/05.06.15: My poor Fritz was murdered within his own home by my girlfriend's cat... Thinking it would be okay to jump through my tanks screen, Fritz was caught between a large stick and the sidewall. By time I had noticed in the AM it was already to late and he'd passed.

Just another reason for me to despise cats.

Rip: Fritz
RIP poor guy!!!

05.09.15: Today's been a busy day within the crew ^_^

We've had a few different moltees which I'll list off:

1 Griffin molted today, it is in fact a verified MALE! :)

After the dead leaf ooth hatching... I had ALOT of heads to feed, So traded out a little over half of my griffins leaving me with 3. I knew I had 2 females, but gambled with luck on the last... Since he was so young/small I really couldn't tell its gender at the time. So I've got a trio here! ^_^

1 Double shield molted today, which honestly I have a feeling fell after molting... Though there were no signs of damage, I do believe it had happened... I noticed it was at the bottom of it new home, still very clearly soft (pale color, milky looking...) luckily I had added moss which I believe it either was able to grab onto before actually hitting the ground (its long haired moss) or the other moss of the ground short of "cushioned" the fall??

In any case it seems fine and theres no damage that ive seen. Also, it just started getting that notorious double shield in! Pretty neat! :D

- Still awaiting the molt of my personal favorite double shield, the female with the arm issue.

2 Dead leaf moltees, both Gump and its brother/sister decided to molt today! Hitting L4 (finally...) apparently my two are slow. ;)

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05.09.15: Today's been a busy day within the crew ^_^

We've had a few different moltees which I'll list off:

1 Griffin molted today, it is in fact a verified MALE! :)

After the dead leaf ooth hatching... I had ALOT of heads to feed, So traded out a little over half of my griffins leaving me with 3. I knew I had 2 females, but gambled with luck on the last... Since he was so young/small I really couldn't tell its gender at the time. So I've got a trio here! ^_^

1 Double shield molted today, which honestly I have a feeling fell after molting... Though there were no signs of damage, I do believe it had happened... I noticed it was at the bottom of it new home, still very clearly soft (pale color, milky looking...) luckily I had added moss which I believe it either was able to grab onto before actually hitting the ground (its long haired moss) or the other moss of the ground short of "cushioned" the fall??

In any case it seems fine and theres no damage that ive seen. Also, it just started getting that notorious double shield in! Pretty neat! :D

- Still awaiting the molt of my personal favorite double shield, the female with the arm issue.

2 Dead leaf moltees, both Gump and its brother/sister decided to molt today! Hitting L4 (finally...) apparently my two are slow. ;)
Omg it WAS a busy day!! wow lol

Thats awesome that you got bpth sexes of the griffins!! im definitely gonna want some down the road! :D i shall be customer numero uno!

im glad the double shield is alright! thats awesome that the double shield has appeared, you gotta show us!!

BOTH the dead leafs molted huh?! omg haha awesome, talk about in sync! congrats on all the molts and lack of mismolts buddy!

:) yes, I'm very proud of all my little ones... And after posting that update I decided to go double check everyone. Come to find out I had another moltee I had missed! My favorite Griffin! She's getting big, and even darker lol.

Definitely will update with photos in a few days. I'll give them time to harden and whatnots. ^_^

:) yes, I'm very proud of all my little ones... And after posting that update I decided to go double check everyone. Come to find out I had another moltee I had missed! My favorite Griffin! She's getting big, and even darker lol.

Definitely will update with photos in a few days. I'll give them time to harden and whatnots. ^_^
OMG so many molts!!!! lol! jeeze! okey dokes, ill be patient haha

So glad the molts went well! I always get so nervous when they stop eating... and then you hope it happens when you are able to help if anything goes sideways... Can't wait to see the pics... sometimes it gets to be a real job just taking pictures...LOL

So glad the molts went well! I always get so nervous when they stop eating... and then you hope it happens when you are able to help if anything goes sideways... Can't wait to see the pics... sometimes it gets to be a real job just taking pictures...LOL
Lol so true, everything said

Hey everyone, sorry for the delay in updating... Been extremely busy lately with home life,work,kids, and the crew. Heres a few quick updates on the most important things that have been going on....

05.13.15: Nymbit too was lost to a murder... Though he lived a great life and got to do everything every male is meant to, his time was ended far to soon. Poor buddy... Don't worry, that cat got what it had coming to it.

- With the passing of Nymbit, ive decided it best to gut the 29g tank until a more stable lid is acquired. Previously used a rubberized mesh lid (and haven't had issues for a year, up until just recently...) I've decided to go with glass... Which I have, just needs to be trimmed. (and ill modify by adding rubberized liner to provide grip to the underside.)

Some many months back my good friend Mantidbro and myself threw back and forth the idea of going in half's on an Idolomantis diabolica ooth... Surprisingly enough we had decided to go ahead and give it a shot. We had the ooth send to Mantidbro's house where he incubated and hatched it. He was nice enough to hand down the first born and I also claimed the last. ;)

05.06.15: Ooth hatching.

05.08.15: Ooth ends.

-First and last born claimed.

05.13.15: My two nymphs arrived. (L1)

- Both active and healthy.

05.23.15: One of my two have molted successfully to L2

- Awaiting the seconds molt.

(Photos coming soon...)
