Dieball's mantids


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Nov 23, 2016
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This is my first post here, so I'll start with a simple "Hi!"

For some reason I hate separate introduction posts, so ... I'm just a simple guy from Poland, who fell in love with nature, but didn't manage to get a nature-related job. So while stuck behind desk, I find other ways of surrounding myself with bits and pieces of nature. For some time I'm collecting carinvorous plants and I've already managed to gather quite a collection. They've fascinated me for years, but I got my first plants only a year ago. The same thing were with mantids and I got my first yesterday.

All 7 Creobroter gemmatus mantids came to me alive luckily! Let's hope the same for a pair of L4/5 Phyllocrania paradoxa, that are supposed to come to me tomorrow.

Creobroter gemmatus L1


I'll try to post in this topic whenever I have anything interesting, like new mantids, next instar, or a new enclosure.



For some reason I hate separate introduction posts, so ...
Just to warn you though if you plan to make classified ad it is a rule that you must make a proper introduction post (see the rules on the classified section, rule #1). But that is a mute point at the moment anyway. ;)

So I'll just say hello Konrad, and the photos of your first flower mantids look great (nice focus/depth of field), but with the bright red finger it appears your camera is set to vivid colors. :D

Thank you for the reminder,but it is very doubtful that I'm gonna use the sales section, as I'm living in Europe :)

Thank you for the reminder,but it is very doubtful that I'm gonna use the sales section, as I'm living in Europe :)
Your welcome. We do have members in Europe as well that list items for sale, the most common one is Exo. :)   So if nothing else, perhaps you'll have more sources for new species too. That is one part of the hobby, everyone loves to try many various species and can turn into collectors very easily. :D

To be honest, I'm having doubts with the safety of shipping live insects across the ocean. I do it with carnivorous plants without a problem, but would the mantids survive? Do you guys have any experience with that? Or maybe some tips, from which instar it's safer to do that?

To be honest, I'm having doubts with the safety of shipping live insects across the ocean. I do it with carnivorous plants without a problem, but would the mantids survive? Do you guys have any experience with that? Or maybe some tips, from which instar it's safer to do that?
Well overseas shipments for US members should not exist, so most members shouldn't know about overseas shipping. ;) As US members can not sell to non US members, or buy from them either, against the forum rules and by the US federal Customs/importing rules/laws. That said some do apparently as I get a occasional PM about it. The mantis survivability seems to depend on the temperatures and handling (no rough treatment/dropped/smashed/damaged/whatever to the box) encountered in shipping, with about a 70% success rate at best.

It seems instars of L2 or L3 have the best chance, older mantids tend to do much worse. Ooths (ootheca) can be really hit and miss on hatching, but if that is due to drying out during the trip, being infertile, improper incubating, or other reasons is hard to pinpoint.

For tips it is best to order during optimum temperatures (above freezing at night and at room temperature or less during the day) so shipping during mid-spring and mid-fall give the best results.

As you are in Poland though you should have much better luck, as there are suppliers much closer to you (less shipping time) and offer species that members in the US can only dream about. :)

Yeah, I don't think that I'll have much trouble getting the species I want in Europe. Just asking out of curiosity :)

Hi again!

I just wanted to share with you some news. My creobroters just molted into L2 and unfortunately, two of them didn't make it. One apparently fell down and stuck into the bottom of the enclosure. It was impossible to move it. But the rest is fine (Except for one weird case of lost leg, before molting). 



I also received a pair (hopefully) of Phyllocrania paradoxa. I hope you will help me recognize which is which :)

* I suspect that this is a female 


*And this should be male



And a few other photos 




@Dieball Indeed the molt to L2 is one of the more difficult molts, as any nymphs with birthing problems/weakness/etc do not survive, and they seem to learn a bit from the experience for the future molts.

Your Ghosts (Phyllocrania paradoxa) are indeed a male and female as you indicated. So best of luck with them. :D

Thank you for confirming :)

As for the mortality of l1 nymphs, it's unfortunate but I knew that and I prefer to buy l2-l4 because of that,  but those were so cheap! Around  0,60€ each. 

hello, from the USA, I think your mantids look stunningly beautiful (the pictures you took were great) and I wish you luck with their molts to come!

Today I managed to find some time and take a few photos. Those would be too much for a single post, so I'll show you only the Phyllocrania paradoxa for today :)






