For me it's that baby face cricket or katydids. :gun_bandana: get em outta here :gun_bandana:
I've never heard of anyone who dislikes ants that much :no:Ants. Just something about them and their swarming that gives me the willies
hy Tea , good to see you back on the forum.............. SAnts. Just something about them and their swarming that gives me the willies. They are neat and all but I just can't. Might have something to do with the wars I had with them every summer as they tried to take over my kitchen.
Crickets are a close second just because They are horrid escaping stinky little disease vectors.
Silverfish are horrible things, sometimes impossible to get rid of in older buildings.k leggers and silverfish
im so happy ive never seen one before id pack up and move.
Turbo moustaches is the best name for an animal that I have ever heard. I'm going to use this from now on.