Recent content by Ghost Mantis


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  1. Ghost Mantis


    Great transaction. Nymphs are very healthy and active. Great communication, fast response :) . I am really satisfied :)
  2. Ghost Mantis

    Deroplatys truncata hatch

    Are you gonna sell some of them??? I love them so much :tt1:
  3. Ghost Mantis

    Ghost mantis molting

    Srr about your ghost, but at least yours still have 3 legs. My wide armed nymph couldn't get out of her skin properly when she molted :( . I keep her hydrated and raise up humidity as well. I think that's natural selection :(
  4. Ghost Mantis

    Hi from Houston :)

    Welcome from CA :)
  5. Ghost Mantis


    I just received Banded Flower nymphs from him today. The package is carefully organized with isolation box inside. Nymphs are very healthy and so active. He threw me an extra nymph as well. I am very satisfied. Definitely I will buy from him again. Great breeder ever !!!! :punk:
  6. Ghost Mantis

    Wide Armed had weird molt... and eventally died

    Year... That really sux... :( . She couldn't get out of her old exoskeleton. It is definitely not lacked of humidity... Bad molt ever :(
  7. Ghost Mantis

    Wide Armed had weird molt... and eventally died

    I hate mismolt too :( ... She is the biggest nymph I have. I witnessed her from the beginning until she died, but nothing I can do to help her out :(
  8. Ghost Mantis

    Wide Armed had weird molt... and eventally died

    Last night, my Wide Armed nymph molted to sub adult. I witnessed a whole process from the beginning First, you can see that she started to molt properly Everything seem to be fine And then the problem showed up. Her abdomen was turned to the side, not vertical as usual. She stucked...
  9. Ghost Mantis

    Ghost Problem

    Thanks for your advice. The reason I mist my Ghosts twice a day is to see whether the high concentration of humidity can affect my Ghosts to turn green color. The result is quite expected; most of my female Ghosts turn green. However, I think boiling water is the main reason that killed my...
  10. Ghost Mantis

    Poor Sick Orchid :(

    Black death ... Runnnnnnnnn :taz:
  11. Ghost Mantis

    Ghost Problem

    Really? I thought It will evaporate these chemical as well :blink:
  12. Ghost Mantis

    Ghost Problem

    I have to agree with you about getting rid of paper towel. I just remember that they day before he died, I changed new paper towel for him :blink: . I have flies which are bought from you, but I don't want to waste those little fruit flies :P ....
  13. Ghost Mantis

    Ghost Problem

    No chemical cleaning product nearby. I use boiled water as well :wacko:
  14. Ghost Mantis

    I'm not bashing.

    What's wrong, bro :blink: ?
  15. Ghost Mantis

    Ghost Problem

    I have meshes on the top of the lids for them to molt and climb probably :) . One of my lobata (L4), and 3 crytic nymphs (L2) have mysterious death too, even though that plastic cup have well-established ventilation and proper humidity as well. They just acted normally and then lied on the...