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  1. B

    Is she signal ready or I will kill

    Ok thanks for the answer ! Im trying to feed her as much as she wants but today she wouldent eat and she seems full lika a stuffed sausage but I will wait some more days before trying again but she is hard to get in the mood Kindly bjorsa
  2. B

    Is she signal ready or I will kill

    My Hierodula membranacea female have killed 2 males already and now Im trying with my last male she is 6 weeks after last molt to mature so she should be ready but the last 2 males she has just killed and droped not eating them . And now when trying again about 5 days since last time she is...
  3. B

    Bad hatching

    Yes they are , But I was a little bit quick cause the last hatching that was occur when typing did come along good so I did get 247 living :-) So there is just 1 female that is laying bad hatching ootch her first was just 7 nymphs and her second have not hatch yet and are on overtime if the...
  4. B

    Bad hatching

    I have now 3 Hierodula membranacea females that are laying ootch but 2 of them have ootch that only hatch 7-15 nymphs and the thirds ootch is hatching 280 nymphs (186 living) . This differents in hatching is it that the 2 bad hatching females are not fertilize adequately ? Or do they sometimes...
  5. B

    Grandis breeding

    My second ootch did hatch this night and are still hatching and this time a lot of them I did have much more moist and lesser ventilation but some of them are now drowning in the waterdrops opps but it seems to be around 100 of them . My qustion is for how long time can I have them togheter...
  6. B

    Very good Mantis Documentry

    Well it want even start to buffer and when I try the I cant even get their page so probably something is wrong with my internetprovider and the china site so I try another day :-( Kindly bjorsa
  7. B

    Very good Mantis Documentry

    It will not start to play for me looks like a very slow connection Kindly bjorsa
  8. B

    Fruit flies

    Cool them down in the refrigerator then you got a half minute to transfer them to a new container and cool them down and then feed them to your insects I use a funnel and a hole in the top of the jar that I plug with earplug :-) And I find it easy to use Kindly bjorsa
  9. B

    Grandis breeding

    Well here is some photos of 1 of the 7 nymphs and its 3 days old and around 10 mm Kindly bjorsa
  10. B

    Grandis breeding

    It seems to be just 7 nymph so what vent wrong ? I Had the ootch in a plastic container 20*40*20 cm and a 15*15 cm ventelation and green moss as substrate and sprayed every day but maybe all the moist did vent out of the 15*15 cm ventelation Kindly bjorsa
  11. B

    Grandis breeding

    This night the first ootheca hatch but only 1 nymph and still this morning only 1 nymph the ootheca was laid on the 16 of feb could it be that this first nymph is a bit early or does it take long time (days) for a ootheca to hatch ? Kindly bjorsa
  12. B

    sexing popa spurca crassa

    Thanks :-( I have to see now if I can find some famale for my guys Kindly bjorsa
  13. B

    sexing popa spurca crassa

    I use glossy photopaper its much cheaper than a studio :-) I use a pentax af fgz 360 flash and in wireless mode and the camera is a pentax k10d and the lens is a pentax smc-dfa 100 1:2,8 macro If you want you can look here and goto all images...
  14. B

    sexing popa spurca crassa

    Ok so they are males :-( I take all of them and number them and maybe you will do the sexing of all them and also tell me how to sex them ? nr 1 nr 2 nr 3 nr 4 Kindly bjorsa
  15. B

    sexing popa spurca crassa

    I would like some help to sexing my popa spurca crassa I have 4 I did lose one this night to a big cricket :-( I will never leave any ckrickets in the cage anymore So of the 4 left there is 3 that look like females they are a bit bigger and rounder so I take the one that I think is a female...
  16. B

    Grandis breeding

    My first female that layed a kokong the 10 feb did lay 1 more today so 19 days between them so now I got 3 kokongs or ootch . How many offspring will there be in a kokong for a grandis or membranece ? Kindly bjorsa
  17. B

    Grandis breeding

    Maybe we can exchange mantis you get pop spurca crassa and I get salomonis but first my popa spurca crassa has to become adult and breed and make some kokongs so that I have some to exchange with but they should soon be adults I hope Kindly bjorsa
  18. B

    Grandis breeding

    Ok just send me a mail to [email protected] if and when you want to sell some salomonis the only problem here is we still have below zero so in april or may will be a good time or do you use heatpack ? I havent bought any mantis from other countries yet just from 3 different persons in sweden...
  19. B

    Grandis breeding

    Well I also usally use flash but this time I thought I leave it cause she looked so tired and I dident want to schock her :-) Kindly bjorsa
  20. B

    Grandis breeding

    Is it possible to buy from you to Sweden if you get some offspring of salomonis ? And do you breed and sell other mantis ? Kindly bjorsa