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  1. C


    Good to know. I have a thermometer in there that I have been checking frequently for the short periods when I've turned the lamp on so far. It's also true that where I'm living now probably won't be so cold indoors during the winter which will make things a lot easier. If the equipment I have...
  2. C

    Depressing/Interesting thought

    Sounds fascinating. And unintended change in captivity is certainly possible... like the angelfish who no longer have the instinct to look after their eggs and fry, or the changes in pH tolerance in many acidophilic aquarium fishes.
  3. C


    I'm wondering about temperatures too. I live in Canada and usually keep the heat lower than most people in the winter - about 13C. I have an L3 Tenodera sinensis and I think it might get too cold, so I've bought a small incandescent light which I can use to keep things warm (I'd probably wrap...
  4. C

    My set up ^.^

    If you want cheap, rigid, cuttable transparent plastic for dividers try going to the grocery store and asking for a lid to the containers the cakes come in. I use them for aquarium covers for my fish and they work really well... not to mention being either free or nearly so.
  5. C

    WARNING: Nursery plants killed 24 of my 30 mantis

    Thank you for putting this thread up. I have removed my plants from the home my mantid was about to go in - though as it turned out my new mantid is so small I'm keeping him in a smaller container anyway. By the time he's big enough for the 5 gal. I figure the plants should be safe.
  6. C


    Great story and welcome! My sympathies on the 'drop everything to chase an insect'. I have a Tenodera sinensis too, although I had to buy mine. Well over an hours' bus ride each way in the rain. I've never seen one wild. I've only had Tweeg a day, so I can't really offer any helpful advice.
  7. C


    Welcome! I'm new too.
  8. C

    new from Canada

    Well, the compost pile is full of worms, so I think the answer is yes. I've been trawling through the housing information, and have picked up some very useful things - and have removed the houseplants from the cage and washed the leaves. They'll go back in a few weeks. Thank you, you may have...
  9. C

    new from Canada

    Hi, I'm new here. Starting tomorrow I should be the new owner of a chinese mantis, so I'm looking up last-minute information to make sure I've got everything ready. I have a Bsc. in biology in which I paid more than average attention to inverts. and I've worked in a petstore, but I haven't kept...