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  1. T

    Anyone have treehoppers

    No French :( Only English and Swedish :) I am aware of what they eat. It is phloem sap although wanted to know how people would feed them. I mean these Sorry for not making myself that clear... Thanks for the help Timor
  2. T

    Anyone have treehoppers

    Well I just wanted to know if anyone keeps any treehoppers? If so how do you feed them? Also seeing as I am all the way in England if anyone knows a place where they live would anyone be willing to collect and send some over? I would off course pay for P&P and something for catching some :)...
  3. T

    Mixing communal species / live plants + feeder insects = ?

    For the food you could use flies like FF when young then advance to house flies, greenbottles, then finally bluebottles. I highly doubt they will eat the plants. Hope it helps :) Timor
  4. T

    Wanting any invert in UK

    I am aware that this is a american website although if anyone has any cool inverts for sale in the UK then please just send me a PM. I am also looking for indian mudskippers. If you have any then please just send me a PM and I will reply ASAP whether or not I would like to have them. Thanks Timor
  5. T

    New gongylus gongylodes nymphs (violin mantis)

    I just came home form school now and I noticed one has molted :) Well... I think he/she has because it is much larger than the others although there is no trace of anything. Do you always find some evidence of a molt? I do really love them so much!!! Thanks for the comments Timor
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    New gongylus gongylodes nymphs (violin mantis)

    Well just thought I would share. :)
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    Ok thanks for the replies. I will be picking up a small thermometer and a humidity gauge when I can and I will probably end up having a light with a weak heat mat aswell. How many W would a weak heat mat have? I think that a combination would be best because then there is a drop in temperature...
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    Well seeing as I am getting Ameles Heldreichi which are quite rare there isn't that much information about them. :( But would a combination be any good? Thanks Timor
  10. T


    Well would 21 degrees be ok for mantids during the night though or should I have a small/weak heat mat and a light bulb? Which would be best? Thanks Timor
  11. T

    Living plants?

    I am planning on buying some plants, are there any good places where you can buy them in England (either online or near Lincolnshire) I found this UK website although delivery might cost abit. Is this any good?
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    I am keeping Ameles Heldreichi. Although tomorrow I am going to an event where there will be mantids for sale and if I find one I like then I will most likely purchase it. It gets about 21ºC during night in my room. I was thinking of possibly getting a chinese mantis or something which is quite...
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    Just curious about what heating to use. I wouldn't want a light seeing as the enclosure/s are going to be in my room so I would need to turn off during night. I know there are heat mats but is there anything better? I found this link...
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    Living plants?

    Very nice Rick. I really like it and I think it looks great. Thanks for showing your housing. Timor
  15. T

    Living plants?

    I love the pothos. Will you still be able to have plants if you use heat mats? Or what other ways of heating are there?
  16. T

    Living plants?

    Just curious whether you can use real plants? I think they look much more natural than the fake ones.
  17. T

    Which roach is smaller than turkistan?

    Philin Yuma the Ameles Heldreichi are a rare species and not many people have them. I might do what most people have said and just have a melanogaster fruit fly culture like most people say would be best. Thanks everyone Timor
  18. T

    Which roach is smaller than turkistan?

    I might just breed the turkistan roaches and feed all the nymphs and then sell away any of them which are too big or I don't need. Does this sound good? Thanks Timor
  19. T

    Which roach is smaller than turkistan?

    Hello, I would like to get some roaches to feed the Ameles Heldreichi I am getting and was curious if there were any roaches smaller than turkistan seeing as the Ameles are small and I am getting oothecas. Thanks Timor
  20. T

    Acrylic (perspex)

    Lol! Not really planning on a doll house :P I just meant an enclosure. I'm not sure about the lazy susan thing seeing as it is going to be rectangular so wouldn't really work. I don't think that the doors will be such a big problem. Thanks for all replies Timor