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  1. Ghostie

    Mites: I hate'm

    Diatomaceaous earth?
  2. Ghostie

    House Fly Technique

    From what I have noticed is when they run out of food/water they start getting holes in wings and stop flying and start to "annoy" each other and shortly after die off. Just an observation but may not be what is actually happening. Al I know is that if I add water crystals and this fly food...
  3. Ghostie

    My Miniature CP Terrarium

    Wow that is odd, I tested some water without using the Britta filter and it also comes out to 180ppm! You would think the filter would remove some of the particles in the water but I guess not! That doesn't make sense to me. :blink:
  4. Ghostie

    My homemade cages

    Haha Precarious and I have good taste. ;)
  5. Ghostie

    Frey - (Poland)

    Many thanks Frey! :) 6 of 11-12 arrived alive. Two of them looked to have molted during shipment. Three are simply dead bodies and I think one became a snack! :lol: Hopefully no more casualties but more to be expected. Anything is possible. Frey is great in my book to keep mantids...
  6. Ghostie


    Received a nice size package of flies and supplies today from Rebecca. I had a little problem with flies dying off last week because I instructed the mail person to leave them on my doorstep while I Was out fishing and they all cooked in the sun. We worked out a plan for a cold pack in my...
  7. Ghostie

    My homemade cages

    Sorry to keep hijacking the thread. Just wanted to show my stick pile from Grandma's house. Threw my dirty sock foot in there for good measure ;) :lol: Also some cream of mushroom up in there. Try getting a pile of sticks like this home on your motorcycle! :lol:
  8. Ghostie

    House Fly Technique

    I like to use water crystals instead of water with wood chips in it. This way I don't kill any flies. :) More live longer this way. Before there would always be some dead in the water cup no matter what I used as anti-drowning material. If flies get ANY water on their legs or wings, they...
  9. Ghostie

    The rest of my zoo

    Beautiful animals. B)
  10. Ghostie

    Fruit Flies

    Oooh scratch that I see the Hydei maggots! They are just getting started. All I See is little black dots where there mouth is in the medium moving around lol. I read somewhere Hydei take longer than others. So happy I can culture my own flies now! I think my current melanogaster are the...
  11. Ghostie

    Metallyticus fallax nymphs give away (with condition)

    Oooh those are very cool I have a picture of one on my calender Peter sent me. They color out very nice. Wish I had breeding experience :P Good luck to whomever gets these!
  12. Ghostie

    The Dead Leafs

    Wow both of those look completely different than my Dead Leaf mantis. Great shots.
  13. Ghostie

    Gambian Spotted-Eye Flower Mantids (videos)

    Arggg I can't get my dubias to breed I think they just living in there. Have two huge males and females and they doing nothing.
  14. Ghostie

    Gambian Spotted-Eye Flower Mantids (videos)

    Very cool textures on those eyes. Awesome footage dude. I like the little short abdomens. The second video he couldn't decide which fly taste better haha Hey I got a 45 second song going now I Was trying to finish it last night then the Crown Royal came out and all heck broke loose. Maybe...
  15. Ghostie

    Ghostie's Pics Thread

    No she still needs the good camera for selling houses. Not until I find another camera for her. I'm still using my Nikon S550 point and shoot. Just doing some careful editing! Check out some of those mandibles. :wub: Honey is a great way to get mandible shots.
  16. Ghostie

    Fruit Flies

    My melanogaster culture has maggots now! That was quick! Still waiting on my hydei maggots! I see some skinny hydei and some very very fat ones in there! Somebody must be about to lay something so I think it will be successful too!
  17. Ghostie

    Ghostie's Pics Thread

    Limbata 2 Chinese 2 My shields from Rebecca are turning pink! Thank you!
  18. Ghostie

    Ghostie's Pics Thread

    Honey time! Gave all my mantids honey last night for the first time. Each and every one of them! Only one chinese didn't want any honey at all! Here's some pics. Yen's Creo Neb Ghostie from Peter. Look at that huge head crown! Limbata 1 Chinese 1 Frey's Idolos
  19. Ghostie

    Ghostie's Pics Thread

    Woot! Mr Gongy molting to sub adult when I woke up! Looks like he is going to make it! He regrew a leg too! Niiiice. You can see the molt only hanging by three legs! lol Can't believe he actually takes up half the cube worth of space to molt! Dang he's huge now! Check it out my first fruit fly...
  20. Ghostie

    My Miniature CP Terrarium

    I'm afraid to dig the plants out. Will I harm any roots? Should I put them back into some sphagnum? I just bought an orchid flower that is in sphagnum moss too. I have to learn how to fertilize it now. I just figured out it doesn't need much water at all. Once a week if that. PS the water...