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  1. D

    Happy new year from Taiwan - 30 minutes till

    Happy New Year everyone!!!
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    Amazing mantid facts!!

    They were rated to have the highest strike efficiency of all predators. Better than lions, tigers, great white sharks etc. More often than not, if they attack something, it ends up going in their mouth.
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    Moderators, u know who u r!

    -Asa Thanks... That was originally a post of mine back around july when I was attempting to convince a new mantis keeper who was leery about feeding live prey to mantises for obscure moral reasons that is was perfectly ok to do so. When Phill mentioned the mantis goddess, a light bulb came on...
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    Moderators, u know who u r!

    I agree!! +100 for Becky and the Mods.
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    Official Mantidforum Fallout 3 topic

    My favorite thing is the VATS... it IS the main RPG element to the game. I love first person shooters, but I also love how the VATS allows your shooting accuracy to be based on your character's earned experience, not on your own FPS ability, but yet when your AP is low you have to rely on yor...
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    Orchid Mantises Hatch

    Now before Peter opens up a new topic about how much we love Rebecca... Congratulations on the hatch Peter!. How many did you end up with?
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    Orchid Mantises Hatch

    Dont cry Becky. We all love you! :P
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    Official Mantidforum Fallout 3 topic

    I was on the final quest... until I realized it was the final quest, and then I decided to hit an old save point and do things a little differently... that killed about 10 hours of gameplay. I am super good, but going for the sneaky sniper type (sneaking 100, small guns 100, sniper perk, silent...
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    Official Mantidforum Fallout 3 topic

    To activate the chinese invasion go to the house that has a gnome right to your left as you enter the door. straight ahead is a radio a pitcher and a cinder block and to your right is a coke bottle. Then you touch them in the right order. The tone they make when you touch them makes a melody...
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    Orchid Mantises Hatch

    Becky, your sillyness knows no bounds. :D
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    Toxodera denticulata

    Aaaah... Toxodera. This topic rises from the dead every so often. If nothing else it is a sure fire way to lure Christian into conversation. He is the only person on this board that has any kind of experience with the species. Works every time lol! :lol:
  12. D

    Where I've been since Monday

    Wow Andrew, That sucks. So sorry to hear that. I get burned alot in my line of work and even small ones suck, much less over such a large area. I can only imagine what you went through. Best wishes through the arduous recovery process.
  13. D

    How does your family view your mantis keeping hobby?

    LMAO :lol: It took my wife a while to get used to them. Now she likes them, but she is super frugal, and spending any money on mantids requires serious haggling on my part. My kids love them, tho my 3 year old is still scared when it comes down to holding them.
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    Male orchid nymph died

    Yup... I call it SMDS... Sudden Mantis Death Syndrome No rhyme or reason behind it... and it seems like the more you do "just right" the more die without an obvious cause.
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    Boxers or Flowers!

    Acromantis Formosana is called the taiwan flower mantis, but the little things sit there and box all day. :lol:
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    who's a bleach fan?

    I started watching Naruto when it came out in english on cartoon network. I thought it was good but kinda corny. I stuck with it though untill I became very impatient with the way cartoon network released new episodes "whenever". I was ignorant and unaware that it was even japanese by origin...
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    I have also experienced these hallucinations that occur between asleep and awake. They occur when trying your damndest to stay awake while driving even though your body is doing all it can to force your eyes shut. Its as if you enter REM with your eyes open. The visual disturbances that follow...
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    I ordered ootheca from Penda and I must say that I am very happy with the whole experience. The prices were very competitive, the selection was rather exotic, and the communication was excellent. Delivery was slow, but that was thanks to actually waiting for a mother to lay the ooth I wanted...
  19. D

    Resin capsuled Idolo speimen

    You can pick up a very similar acrylic compound at at your local walmart in the craft section. It is sold fo creating realistic looking fake water for fake flower arrangements. If done meticulously it can be made with virtually no bubbles.
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    Mantis Eats own Limb

    I had an adult orchid female that over the course of a few days chew off her entire left forearm. She died shortly afterwards to completely unrelated causes, so I have no idea what her problem was.