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  1. mantidfromhell

    might leave hobby

    its okay, me and Doug already arranged something.
  2. mantidfromhell

    might leave hobby

    Mr.Phil i know i should and i feel like a brat right now >.<and well i do try to act mature but i haven't gone through the you know.. the phase from child to teen and for future reference i will treat thing with more courtesy.
  3. mantidfromhell

    might leave hobby

    Look man, you didn't offer me anything.I may look like like an ignorant penniless kid but I'm not. I simply would order a mantis but like I said, my big brother (currently in CSULB) said he wont connect his Debit Card to a PayPal and hes saying its not worth the money even though I've been...
  4. mantidfromhell

    might leave hobby

    wait you have? :o
  5. mantidfromhell

    might leave hobby

    havent been able to find any mantises lately and i cant order any mantises so i might temprarily leave the hobby.
  6. mantidfromhell


    i remember reading somewhere that the nymphs were born really weak and never made it to adult hood. still needs verification though
  7. mantidfromhell


    well im going to be in 8th grde my brother just graduated from highschool and he said he want me to try to make it to the toop ten percent wich i guess should be possible for me :D
  8. mantidfromhell


    nvrmind my brother wont connect his debit card to his paypal :(
  9. mantidfromhell


    i could probably get normal shipping since i live in La and you live in new york
  10. mantidfromhell


    am looking to see if anyone can sell me a mantid with free shipping?express shipping?
  11. mantidfromhell

    what went wrong?

    poor mantid :( and yes! i do :D
  12. mantidfromhell

    what went wrong?

    my mantis molted yesterday, i let his skin harden and today i got home from working with my father and my little mantis was dead? i dont know what went wrong?
  13. mantidfromhell

    how often?

    i know :D its from slayer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. mantidfromhell

    my mantis wont eat :(

    woke up this morning and she molted!! :Dshe has a slight problem though... her legs are all slightly warped at the secone leg segment. doesnt seem to be to bad a problem though
  15. mantidfromhell

    Stagmomantis Limbata Caresheet?

    thanks guys! :D
  16. mantidfromhell

    my mantis wont eat :(

    ok :D sorry for the many questions, but i jusy got into the hobby of the magnifecent insects!! :D
  17. mantidfromhell

    my mantis wont eat :(

    my mantis wont eat at all. i try to hand feed but she just runs away. i put an insect in her habitata and it ignores it!! :(
  18. mantidfromhell


    i remeber seeing this a few months ago, its really interesting to see stuart grow!!
  19. mantidfromhell

    how often?

    looks like my S.Limbata nymph should be molting sooon. it wont accept food but its pretty plump. and ive been misting once a day