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  1. suzy_qu3

    Doofus Moved Out

    Doofus became a woman yesterday. Yes, I know - I'm an idiot. I counted the segments from the top rather than the belly. Anyway, her legs got stuck and she fell during the molt. So she has a crooked leg and bum wings :( . The poor thing laid at the bottom of the enclosure for several hours...
  2. suzy_qu3

    Molt issues

    In the beginning, I had trouble getting my nymphs to eat. Of the 3 I kept, 2 starved themselves to death. The one 1 have been raising all along has had no trouble molting at all. He was kept in a small deli type container with a few sticks nothing else, until L4. Now he's in a mesh butterfly...
  3. suzy_qu3

    My mantis release theories

    In other words, there's a reason there aren't any there in the first place. I wonder about this. I was just talking to my mom, and she was saying she used to keep one or more naturalized Chinese mantises every summer as a kid (must be in the genes). But she hasn't seen one in years, and neither...
  4. suzy_qu3


    We are going away for a week, and the prospect of obtaining care for Doofus is a little daunting. OK - so it's a insect, what the big deal? Only that I don't trust anyone. Feeding a cat is one thing. Doofus only like moths of a certain size, and what if he molts, and what if someone drops him...
  5. suzy_qu3

    Are they sensitive to smells?

    I can say that mine did not mind the cedar branches (talk about strong scent) I used. In fact, he's quite happy with them.
  6. suzy_qu3

    First Moth Today

    Update: He molted again yesterday. So thats one week! He ate four moths, then refused food after that. I was actually a little worried when he wasn't eating, because I assumed it too early for molting again. Wow! My husband totally doesn't approve of me letting "it" torture moths. Fruit flies...
  7. suzy_qu3

    First Moth Today

    Doofus molted yesterday, which puts him at L4. I went out to get his usual aphid, but found a moth on the ground and tried that instead. He looked at it for about half a second and then kicked the ever-lovin' you-know-what out of it. Wow! It was like watching MMA or something. He's a perfect...
  8. suzy_qu3


    So my son wanted the praying mantis kit for Christmas. So Santa brought it and we sent away for the ooth (Chinese, of course). This spring we had a horrifying number of little spider-looking creatures inside the butterfly-type habitat. Yikes! We let all of the go except for 3. Well, I should...