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  1. Gruby626

    My Oxypilus distinctus photos!

    ok i will make a photo today and post it here ;)
  2. Gruby626

    My Oxypilus distinctus photos!

    First pair is L5 ;) Female: Male: Do you think they are sub-adult?
  3. Gruby626

    How I make fruit fly medium!

    Can i add just regular mashed apples instead of apple souce? Or there is something more in the apple souce, so I have to buy it? And I think I will try it with corn flour instead of Masa ;)
  4. Gruby626

    Building small glass enclosures for mantids

    One more picture of all compleated - ready to use:
  5. Gruby626

    Pseudocreobotra ocellata breeding diary

    Great picture ;) I used to buy 4 of each species and usually I was lucky ;) - Now I have 4 O.distinctus - and I have 2 males and 2 females ;) . Bought them at L2 ;)
  6. Gruby626

    My Nhandu chromatus!

    It took about 9 months from L3 to L9. But now between L9 and L10 will be probably around 5-7 months ;) . They can live pretty long, especialy females, mine is a male and they live up to 2 years after last shedding ;)
  7. Gruby626

    Building small glass enclosures for mantids

    I heared it does pretty well, but anyway by now it will be for O.distinctus, and they don't need high humidity ;)
  8. Gruby626

    Building small glass enclosures for mantids

    My friend gave me 2 glass pieces so I decided to make some small enclosures for my mantids. Glass was 28x64 cm and was 6 mm thick. Looked like this: I decided to take it to the proffesional glass cutter, so it will be done ok. Looked like this after cutting and cleaning: The rest of the...
  9. Gruby626

    My Oxypilus distinctus photos!

    So here are some differences between male and female: Female L4: Male L4: You can see that male has 8 segments on its abdomen and female has 6. On male you can see that it's wings start to develope, and the femal doesn't have it. Famale has white color on its abdomen, when the male has...
  10. Gruby626

    Need good and easy recepie for fruite fly food!

    I guess i will have to try it, but i can't get masa here, so can i add regular flour?
  11. Gruby626

    How I make fruit fly medium!

    So can you add flour instead of masa? - I can't buy it here :/
  12. Gruby626

    Need good and easy recepie for fruite fly food!

    OK I will try that, but maybe some other recepies? I would like to check out as much as possible to find out the best one ;)
  13. Gruby626

    Need good and easy recepie for fruite fly food!

    So I need a good recepie, taht will hold some time, and the flies (mainly D.hydei) will live on it for a long time, healthy ;) I'm tired of buying it all the time, and I would like to make my own ;) thanks :D
  14. Gruby626

    Hymenopus coronatus (Orchid mantis)

    Thats cool - do you have something like that but about sexing other mantids?
  15. Gruby626

    Oligonicella scudderi

    Hehe it has cool little short antenas ;D
  16. Gruby626

    My Oxypilus distinctus photos!

    First one molted to L4 yesterday evening: I'm very happy :D
  17. Gruby626

    My Nhandu chromatus!

    Here is my Nahndu chromatus! I bought it as L3 and now its L9, and its a male ;) Here 2 days after i bought it (L3): Now L9: Hope you like it :D
  18. Gruby626

    P. chlorophaea, O. distinctus, and Rhombodera spp.

    WoW I didn't know that they can lay so many ooths :o
  19. Gruby626

    Pseudocreobotra ocellata breeding diary

    Great mantis - I guess I'm gonna buy those next ;D
  20. Gruby626

    Which sp. of praying mantids live in Florida?

    Hmmm I found this mantis in GA, and I'm not really sure what is it - it was a male - i took it only for pics, then I let him go where I found him ;) . Can anyone tell me what it might be?;userid=15474 From this page about Florida mantis it...