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  1. B

    Tell everyone a little about yourself/post a pic if you want

    So what is it you do for a living? I have been trying to figure out what I would like to do for the rest of my life and would to do something animals. Too much schooling to be vet. So I would like ideas. :?:
  2. B

    African dwarf frog looks preggers

    I believe my female is with child um I mean eggs. :lol: Hopefully I keep the eggs alive so they will hatch
  3. B

    Hi I am new

    Well these were not as tiny as normal but not medium sizze either, they had a week to grow a little.
  4. B

    Hi I am new

    Well she ate all the pinhead crickets I had in the container I brought her home in. I might as well explain how this all started, last week my son spent a couple days at my mom’s and he came across a very friendly mantis whom he fell in love with, he took the mantis to the market with him and...
  5. B

    Tell everyone a little about yourself/post a pic if you want

    Larry is pretty neat but he doesn't do much while we are awake, on occasion I'll catch him at night hopping around he always looks like a deer caught in headlights when i do. :lol:
  6. B

    Tell everyone a little about yourself/post a pic if you want

    I have one white's tree frog name Larry, 1 adult female european mantis named Porky, 1 chinese mantis nypmh on the way here. In a month or so I would like to try my hand at another leo gecko (we had 1 last year die only after a month). :)
  7. B

    Tell everyone a little about yourself/post a pic if you want

    Since I am new here I will inform you about me. I am 25 yrs old, have a 7 yr old son named Clive. My name is Breanna, I am engaged to be married to my long time main man,lol. This my pic, sorry so big I enjoy reading,cooking and anything that can hold my short attention span, I really enjoy...
  8. B

    What's your age people???

    25 here with a 7 yr old son.
  9. B

    Sarah Elliott

    Anyone heard anything bad or good about her? I ordered a chinese mantis from her. :?:
  10. B

    Hi I am new

    Well I will keep you guys updated if she gives birth, Rick you may have a baby or 2 for free since you would like some. BTW Porky is a mad crazy eater, I think she would eat and eat and eat if I allowed her to but I stopped her after 4 pinhead crickets, 2 meal worms and 2 nice size adult...
  11. B

    Hi I am new

    Well hopefully she is not preggers, if she is I will be on here selling some baby european mantis. Do they eat more if they are preggers( I know females eat more in general)? because she is ceratinly a little piggy (hence the name porky).
  12. B

    Hi I am new

    How long is there "pregnancy"? a month? If Porky has babies , do I seperate them from her right away?
  13. B

    Hi I am new

    Wow is this breeding season?
  14. B

    Hi I am new

    Could she be preggers now? :shock: :?:
  15. B

    Hi I am new

    Well if I come across another,which is very possible it seems they are every where this year, I will give a whirl. I can't mate 2 diff species of mantids,right?
  16. B

    Hi I am new

    But I would have to find 2 adolescent mantis, right? Porky is adult or so I assume? :?
  17. B

    Hi I am new

    Well I am really a newbie, I wouldn't know were to start and I am afraid they'll eat each other.
  18. B

    Hi I am new

    My son is only 7, this mantis thing started a week ago, with a mantis that my son lost at my mom's house, long story. Needless to say it is becoming a hobby or something like that. BTW Rick if I find another mantis, I'll send it to you. :wink:
  19. B

    Hi I am new

    Nope they will be "neighbors" in seperate homes. The baby is going to be my sons (I'll take care of it).
  20. B

    Hi I am new

    This is all so interesting for me, which is odd for me because I usually hate bugs but I am slowly changing my mind, Porky (my mantis) is amazing to watch hunt and she is kinda cute too. I have a baby chinese mantis on it's way too.