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Oh yeah Ian, here's that 3 foot Spiny tail iguana I caught after Hurricane Charlie when a herp farm closed down about 1/2 mile from where I worked. I figured instead of trying to move or relocate there herps, they just released them into the swamp. I am also trying to get new pic up but the camera is not cooperating with my P.C. :(

heck No!!!! he wasn't tame. That was the meanest frigin' critter I have ever dealt with. He was a tad sickly and I had him for about 3 weeks. When he decided to get out of dodge....he went. Talk about a mouthful of teeth, and that spiny tail really packs a whollup. He hit my forearm with his tail and split me open. Very interesting species though. I thought it was a cross between and aligator and an iguana when I first found it. Then I did some research and found it to be a spiny least that is what I think it was. Here's a close up, you can really see the tail spines.

heck No!!!! he wasn't tame. That was the meanest frigin' critter I have ever dealt with. He was a tad sickly and I had him for about 3 weeks. When he decided to get out of dodge....he went. Talk about a mouthful of teeth, and that spiny tail really packs a whollup. He hit my forearm with his tail and split me open. Very interesting species though. I thought it was a cross between and aligator and an iguana when I first found it. Then I did some research and found it to be a spiny least that is what I think it was. Here's a close up, you can really see the tail spines.
So what is it you do for a living? I have been trying to figure out what I would like to do for the rest of my life and would to do something animals. Too much schooling to be vet. So I would like ideas. :?:

@ Bree, believe it or not I work at a grocery store, we were located close to swampland because the company built next to a large community out in the stixs. At that time I was an Assistant produce manager, but burned out and stepped down, now I am trying to get to that position I always do things the hard way. @ Yen, nice family pic.

thats a very nice pic yen, I can see you pinning kenny down their to keep him still :wink:

Wow greg, sound like a very mean herp. I suppose when you approach, its a great time for the ig to use his spiny tail to his advantage, lol



LOL Ian. I did like that critter though, just to bad I didn't know what I had my hands on ( as far a caring for it) when I got it. I could have easily spent a few hundred dollars on materials for a cage and lighting...good thing it did get away. :wink:

I'm 21. Lived most of my life in Virginia, but when I was 6-9 I lived in the Philippines. I like pets of all kinds, but my favorites are invertebrates of any kind. I'm currently keeping 13 patent leather beetles, 10 budwing mantises( couple at L4), and 6 spiny flower mantises(all still at L3). I hope to breed them. Here's me at my brother's wedding last month. I'm in the middle. My brother's at the left of the pic.

On that topic... I know from my experience, I had nicknames due to this hobby of mine... does/ did anyone else?!

come on, spill people!!!

On that topic... I know from my experience, I had nicknames due to this hobby of mine... does/ did anyone else?!come on, spill people!!!
I get most abuse from my Dad lol like nerd and bugboy ...... I dont even look like a "nerd"

Thats why I dont tell nobody lol. If you'd see me in the streets you'd never guess I collect mantis.
