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  1. P

    Unidentified Mantis

    Hello everybody. Today my uncle returned from Borneo. His passion are the butterflys so he brought about 3000 of them but it is not a point. He gave me a mantid which looks like Hierdodula Grandis (whole green with green eyes) but with her front pronotum is red . She is 7cm long and she layed an...
  2. P

    Feeding mantis to mantis's

    Same here, throwing mantis away is a waste, only feed them to other ones or put them in glass-case
  3. P

    10" Mantid species discovered!

    Aprilfoolisus? :D
  4. P

    H. cornatus, P. ocellata, P. affinis, S.parva, A.formosana

    Beautifull pigeon on this picture, but I can't get a context :D
  5. P

    Mantis Personalities

    My odontomantis female have ADHD, I opened container for a 3 seconds and she flied away, while the male is 100% calm type :D
  6. P

    Stunning mantid

    "This-is-mine!" xDDD pretty nice, I wonder what is it, boxer for 90% looks like Oxypilus with green wings, hm..
  7. P

    Strange Stance?

    I couldn't find mantis on first photo ;p. They have good camouflage xDD. It's threating pose IMO
  8. P

    Substrate you use!

    Paper towels everywhere :)
  9. P

    acromantids keepers

    Well, I hold my acromantises in about 80-90% humidity, they always have lots of water drops in their containers.. and no problems with shedding... Problem lies in humidity.
  10. P

    Acromantis formosana

    That mantis runned away because he was immature so he couldn't mate with her, he was boxing to prevent him from being eaten. When a mantis is moving abdomen (like Pseudocreobotra ocellata for example) it's trying to move like a wind. In nature this probably helps them to camouflage.
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    Acromantis formosana

    Sure I do :lol: . I feeded them to the max to check for gender, looks like I have 5 females and one male, he will have lot to do :P
  12. P

    Acromantis formosana

    In nature this kind of behaviour makes them a little more calmer and stops conflicts and cannibalism a little. I saw my acromantis boxing but instead of using one forehand he was using both at the same time and direction :) Edit, boxing looks like this.
  13. P

    Acromantis formosana

    Well, Acromantises sometimes "box" but not as often as Oxypiluses for example, but they have other interesting behaviours like playing dead, extending forearms and sticking abdomen into pronotum.