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  1. nirotorin

    Pink Stagmomantis californica

    It's the lighting. I tried using the flash, but it was too bright. I wasn't happy with any of the pictures I took, but these were among the least terrible. They don't fully do this mantis justice.
  2. nirotorin

    Pink Stagmomantis californica

    Found this pink Stagmomantis californica yesterday. I've never seen one like it before. She even has pink eyes, and metallic pink wings. Thought you guys might like to see it.
  3. nirotorin

    What's your favorite?

    My absolute favorite is Psuedocreobotra wahlbergii. Haven't kept one yet, or any other mantis I haven't collected from the wild. It will be the first mantis I ever do buy though.
  4. nirotorin

    Texas species needs id

    Got it! So what is the verdict?
  5. nirotorin

    Texas species needs id

    It has wings. I believe it's nearly full grown.
  6. nirotorin

    Texas species needs id

    Nah, that's not the one. It looks very close to the Texas Unicorn, but no trace of a horn.
  7. nirotorin

    Visiting Texas state parks at Lower Rio Grande Valley

    Wow! Nice! I'm a fan of those green tree crickets. Looks like you found a lot of great stuff though.
  8. nirotorin

    Worlds longest mantis

    Any response yet?
  9. nirotorin

    Texas species needs id

    Well sorry looks like it's not letting me upload the pics. It says it is, but they're not showing up. So I'll just give a description. It's a lichenish, greenish grey, with somewhat banded arms, and legs. About 2 1/2 inches long. No trace of a horn.
  10. nirotorin

    Texas species needs id

    A friend of mine from central Texas sent me these pics, but I'm not quite sure what it might be.
  11. nirotorin

    Did the Moth kill my Creo?

    Well at least he got a fancy meal before he died.
  12. nirotorin

    Thai micro crab (pic)

    Oh nevermind, I already caught tons of these dwarf mud crabs. Found them in Lake Whitney, Tx. They made good pets actually. Got along with river shrimp, and darters pretty well. They fight over the best hiding places though, and the bigger ones will eat freshly molted smaller crabs sometimes.
  13. nirotorin

    Thai micro crab (pic)

    What are these dwarf mud crabs you speak of? They intrigue me.
  14. nirotorin

    Thai micro crab (pic)

    You'll see them around. They're fairly active. I got some back when they were first introduced to the hobby a few years back. I was hoping I could breed them, but no luck there. No luck for anybody else to this day I believe. Enjoyed having them though. I'll probably get more in the future.
  15. nirotorin

    Wasp and pitcher plant (pic)

    It's amazing you can actually see the tiny droplets. Very nice!
  16. nirotorin

    Nymph Escaped in House - Any Tips?

    Try a large clear container with flies in it somewhere that the mantis could get to it from anywhere. Also check corners. For some reason lots of inverts tend to show up there.
  17. nirotorin

    Stagmomantis californicator

    Hahahhahaha californication nice! Love this species. I like that they have a variety of color forms to choose from. I was all amazed the first time I saw a white one.
  18. nirotorin

    Theopropus elegans mating success

    Could he have completed his mission? There doesn't seem to be any other reason why he would just jump off.