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  1. d17oug18


    jesus thats a jungle of violins lol you must have upwards of 500 eh? There my fav and it looks like you take really good care in giving them the space they need.
  2. d17oug18

    Next praying mantis

    Id say popa spurca sense theres a butt load of deals going around for them!
  3. d17oug18

    Stagomantis sp needs a hubby!!!!!!!!

    Yes theres a difference and no they cant interchangeably mate have fertile ooths =)
  4. d17oug18

    Flight Enabled Hydei Culture

    I have a Culture running out of food and the flies are flight enabled D Hydei's. Winner who wants this culture will get them in new food with coffee filters. 11$ for the culture and includes shipping costs. I dont like flight enabled's but i know some people where looking for some a while...
  5. d17oug18

    Oothecae weight II

    3grams even
  6. d17oug18

    Idolomantis Consolidated

    im wondering if the semi-translucent marbles are looks or if theirs a purpose to them? To me its what pops out the most when i see pictures of them.
  7. d17oug18

    A Mantis I've found

    Make sure he can climb upside down for molting and he isnt an adult yet, i want to say hes a male S limbata but i really cant tell the species, but im almost positive hes a male.
  8. d17oug18

    Orchid butts

    i want to help but i cant tell at all! Im going to guess so dont count my vote. I think 3 are female.
  9. d17oug18

    Actual adult size of budwings

    males getting closer to adult dont have that diamond shaped "behind" that i see. That budwings back end is getting wide which would make me believe it to be female, unless its L5 and under then i dont know lol.
  10. d17oug18

    Actual adult size of budwings

    looks like a female to me, with 2-3 molts to go.
  11. d17oug18

    Wild cricket culture

    Well crickets life span is already short, 6 months i think. Cant imagine another cricket living less than that =P I personally find pleasure in seeing everything grow, seeing 1/4mm pinheads turn into L10-L13's has been fun. But really? i like anything from flowers to mantids to kids grow. To...
  12. d17oug18

    Wanted India Unicorn Boxer Mantis

    good luck with this species, ive been trying to get it for 6 months now. If they are out there, no one is whiling to let them go!
  13. d17oug18

    you know you like mantids when...

    12. Raise a funeral for an adult that died of old age =P
  14. d17oug18

    Wild cricket culture

    its not hard, but getting adult crickets takes about 3-4 months, and 25-40 adults can lay thousands of eggs if givin enough dirt. Pinheads and teen crix need constant food and water or they cannibalize and die. Its easy but like BB culturing it smells, good luck.
  15. d17oug18

    you know you like mantids when...

    when your facebook photos are 90% mantis and 10% yourself =/ me all the way lol
  16. d17oug18

    fruit flies

    no honey in anyones mixes? isnt that what mantids love to eat, insects gutloaded on it? Well my mix has honey in it, its another mold inhibitor and FF get to eat too not just HF and BB's
  17. d17oug18

    Orchid male piggyback ride

    seriously, how do these age in time in the wild lol. it looks like the male sheds twice and the female shed 10 x's lol, doesnt seem possible that this species survives in the wild you know?
  18. d17oug18

    Frey - (Poland)

    Didnt think my first review should be changed sense it was accurate and it took forever to get to a consensus, but she came through! Thanks for not letting me down, my hope isnt gone anymore =) Again, Thanks! Douglas
  19. d17oug18

    After Ooth Hatches

    Well the most ive ever had of one species was 400 C Gemmatus, and 400 in a 12" net cube there is sure to be some sibling frustrations =P I personally will put 2-5 nymphs in one 32oz cup and keep separating as they molted(L3 molting to L4 = only 2 per cup). So at least it isnt 400 SEPARATE cups...