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  1. H

    Science fair for middle school

    lol about a year althought i wasent trying to imply you breed and raise them fro the entire life cycle you would be better off borrowing pics from the internet remember its not copyright infringment if the source is posted and its for educational purposes
  2. H

    Im a noob breeder need help!!!!!!!!!!!!

    if you give 2 away problem solved id keep 2 in cse ones a dud
  3. H

    You looking at me?

    name him pinky and i bet he will
  4. H

    Science fair for middle school

    lol i know it doesnt allways happen in nature but i was saying to at least convey that it can and does happen in nature. and i didnt mean you had to feed the male to the female i more or less assumed he would find an image on the net of mantid cannabalism i dont know if a display of a life...
  5. H

    Science fair for middle school

    why not a life cycle like start with oothca photos and tell them what it is and how many nymphs to exspect choose a male and female then photo each stage nymph and tell the diffrence from the last stage then show the diffrences between male and female at adult stage (at some point describe...
  6. H

    Carolina ooth laying..

    wow your gonna have your hands full
  7. H

    hunting questions

    do they lay all year cause i remember seeing nymphs in july or june and ive found a bunch of hatched ooths
  8. H

    hunting questions

    found some hatched oothcas on houses but no good ones i think maybe its to early or way too late
  9. H


    omg i waited sooo long
  10. H

    hunting questions

    omg thank you i was about to ask where too look but you answered it before i could ask. and my cousin has 260 acres and half of it is as you described
  11. H

    hunting questions

    awsome ill give them some time and then go hunting. do you guys know if they have a prefrence for any particular kind of tree last i saw they were on a hawthorn.
  12. H

    Small but nice mantid photo gallery

    i wonder if they were artificially placed cause none were in containers. if he found them all in their natural habitat he has skill (and money for travel)
  13. H

    Mantid testing.....Scientific Method

    awsome . if your successfull id like to hear the recipe im working on designing a multichamber manid tank with cricket bins on the top of it so the heat from the lights will heat the crick tanks
  14. H

    building a custom tank need advice

    im planning on building a custom tank and i need some advice. and no its not on the dimensions of the tank i did searches on the forum and found the formulas for that but 3 sides are going to be wood with formica lining as a sealant (wood exspands and rots with prolonged contact with water) or...
  15. H

    Mantid testing.....Scientific Method

    dunno how close to the human metabolism they have but if you use sugar it is an addictive drug also any caffien could be a variable. i would keep in mind also that too much of anything is not good for anything.
  16. H

    hunting questions

    ok before i go further yeah i did search for these questions but didnt find any ok i live in oklahoma and i was wondering what time of year matids lay oothcae i know i seen one in a tree in the middle of winter before but ive never seen many more than that i was planning on hunting down some...
  17. H

    weird bug i found

    from what i can see it looks like and has the coloring of a boxelder beetle. boxelders are herbavores and when they spawn theres hundreds of them so i wouldnt be suprised if they are everywhere
  18. H

    my pet gallery

    lol its not even cannabis . its fake pathenisis quincifolia (aka virginia creeper) i have tons on the side of my house and its a vine yet severeal people either tell me its cannabis or rhus radicans (poison ivy) but that has 3 leaflets not 5
  19. H

    infertile ooth

    lol he means naturalized its the same idea with plants if a plant is not "native" but is a stable and constant populace of a area for a period of time its naturalized.