also, there's this ace link of videos of them doing courtship dances -
i've read that they sing too :D
i love their heads! the eyes shape and thei colour, and the ace head crest.
actually, why do they have the hat looking things on their heads? i saw on a diagram that someone labeled that a simple eye was on the end of it but i dunno.
i see that orchids middle eye is a small green triangular...
is it possible to make a gongylus gongylode green? if so how?
do all your ghosts live happily together? i've heard it can be risky after about the 4th shed or thereabouts, dont know if it's true.
yehh, they had a lot more pics than they show there. there was this amazing looking one that was disguised as lichen, didnt look like a mantis, looked like lichen :)
okay, is just strange to me because i had 3 Phyllocrania all from the same batch and the female developed super fast compared to the 2 males. the males had less moults but spaced out between longer periods.
also, they all started off brown but the female went green when it hit sub-adult, the...
arent the older females usually green? so possibly means you've only got one female. (edit: my female paradoxa developed faster than the males, which is strange :s ).
anyone know anywhere that has diagrams of the internal anatomy of a mantis?
i know some of the recommended books have details on their anatomy but i havent had the money to buy them yet.
is there anything worth checking out online?
i've never given any of my mantids a spider to eat , i've been cautious of them for the obvious reasons. am just wondering which UK species (and sizes) would be okay to give the small mantids i've got ?
(gongylode, miomantis, wahberghii, paradoxa)
how come people let the water settle for a few days?
i'd have thought if you was using a sprayer that it would take the water from the bottom and so be sucking up the heavy stuff in the water, i dunno...