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  1. jamurfjr

    chat room

    It does seem to be a kinder, gentler forum. ;)
  2. jamurfjr


    The shelf is part of an old, cheap computer desk. I use it as my workbench.
  3. jamurfjr


    Yes, Rebecca does some nice work. She puts a lot of thought into these and has great attention to detail. You didn't think I was talented enough to make it, did you? ;)
  4. jamurfjr


    Looks good on a desk, don't it? My wife has staked claim to this enclosure. She plans to use it to house a Creo nymph at work. It's small, lightweight, and aesthetically pleasing—much cooler than those desktop fish aquariums her coworkers have. The vent was neatly installed...also like the...
  5. jamurfjr

    Blaberus fusca log

    Attractive roach. Are you keeping them with B. lateralis? I'm still waiting on my B. giganteous to mature and reproduce; the nymphs are becoming quite large...
  6. jamurfjr

    What book are you reading?

    Giving A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking another go. "What did Stephen Hawking say when his computer crashed? Nothing." "Stephen Hawking went on a date last night. She left after 15 minutes complaining that she didn't like his tone." "Stephen Hawking pressed F5 on his keyboard the...
  7. jamurfjr

    Roaches et al

    The first assassin bug nymph hatched from the clutch!
  8. jamurfjr

    My New Chameleon Friend

    Regrettably, I clicked on the link. Didn't watch for long, however. ;)
  9. jamurfjr

    Part of my Collection .

    Ooth overload! I predict all will hatch making you a very, very busy man. :D
  10. jamurfjr

    Roaches et al

    Awesome video! Amazing diversity of insects. I thoroughly enjoyed it. I now plan to follow suit and black light here this summer. I'll have to buy some sand roaches off you one of these days. I'm assuming care and conditions are similar to Polyphaga aegyptiaca? Here's to a successful...
  11. jamurfjr

    Roaches et al

    Good looking even without tail!
  12. jamurfjr


    Cameroon may just be paradise for a bug collector. Welcome to the forum.
  13. jamurfjr

    Hello from shanghai China

    Another welcome from Alabama, USA. Your book looks great!
  14. jamurfjr

    Roaches et al

    Sounds and looks like fun. Wow, the moths were busy on the night that photo was taken! If you come across any, I'd be interested in some Litaneutria sp., Iris oratoria, and/or roaches. Are there sand roaches in Arizona?
  15. jamurfjr

    Roaches et al

    Cool, I know A will be excited.
  16. jamurfjr

    Murphy's Mantids

    My hands are just right. I used to be a hand model but had an accident with a hot iron. :devil2: I may be able to help with your problem. Let me know when they are old enough.
  17. jamurfjr


    Yeah, we plan to switch over to ziplock bags for winter feeding. The can came with the bees. Figured the bees should use up its contents, and too lazy to transfer to a baggie. SG, I did find something for you today. It was in the queen cage(vacated) of all places. Meet my new little friend...
  18. jamurfjr

    S.N.H.S. Mantis Presentation

    Good luck, Andrew. You'll do great. Sounds like an interesting presentation. Wish I was there to enjoy it.
  19. jamurfjr


    Congrats. BugGuide owes you a medal!
  20. jamurfjr


    Thanks! I was apprehensive at first—with all the buzzing! I had never even seen it done in person. It was just one of those 'let's get it done' moments, but boy was I sweating bullets! I can assure you of this: the process was not pretty. Despite the warnings in class, I even dropped the queen...