S.N.H.S. Mantis Presentation


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Well-known member
Dec 24, 2010
Reaction score
Gainesville, Florida
My Science National Honor Society presentation is later today and I will have my friend take as many photos as possible of the event...

It is about 15 slides long on a Power Point and basically goes through the life cycle of a mantis. Also what they eat and anatomy and such. Some slides are just short bullet points and I will verbally elaborate, while others are filled with a little more detail for the students to grasp/understand. I used Orin's new book to help give me an order/idea on what I should talk about. Full of pictures (I do mention the owners of them if they have some, like Henry, I put a chunk of your video on the Violin mantises hatching with that awesome Macro video from youtube...

These are all high school students that will take this serious and enjoy it (you sort of have to be interested in science for you to be accepted into our chapter...

I will post pictures up eventually as they will take awhile to load all of them. :)

Also for this presentation I will bring in all my adult mantises ...D Lobata, G grisea, H coronatus, H majuscula, Texicorn, P paradoxa, and P spurca...

All the best,


Good luck, Andrew. You'll do great. Sounds like an interesting presentation. Wish I was there to enjoy it.

Good luck! I didn't realize it was today! Thought you had already done it.

I can't wait to see the pics!!

Uh oh I don't see my R. valida on there, is she going?

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Lol , yes....it was delayed a month from when it was orginally planned... (school scheduling) ....but its not for a grade, I volunteered to do it...I thank you for your book Orin, I used it to help order my slides...

And thanks everybody! I was nervous at the beginning, but after I started talking about the mantids and getting more comfortable with speaking bc I was comfortable with the info....

The students LOVED it! They prefered it over mechanical engineer presentation and the science of baking presentation and even prefered it over Non-Newtonian fluids presentation (those presentations happened other meetings) :) They were starting to die down when I got near the end...but they sort of revived and got all "Ooh and Aah" when I brought the different species out on my hands and holding/handling them....the loved ALL of them, regardless of whether it was a Carolina or Spurca, or Valida....they really got a kick out of it...thanks to all those who sent me sp and such to help for this event! ^-^ It is GREATLY appreciated! :D ....there are a lot of photos and I still have to sort through them and such...it might be awhile before we see any large quantities of pics...I may add a general pic or two...

All the best,


Sounds really well put together! Very cool that you brought in some live ones and that the students were so receptive! (Should we expect to see an uptick in mantis sales/board membership? ;) ) Looking forward to pics!

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Thanks! Yeah, I don't think any increase in forum members/mantis owners will result...they found them really interesting, but a lot of them don't have time to properly raise a mantis...

Thanks! Yeah, I don't think any increase in forum members/mantis owners will result...they found them really interesting, but a lot of them don't have time to properly raise a mantis...
Yeah, I was just kidding. :) When I shared my hobby with a study group and showed them pics of a mantis with "big eyes" they got really interested, asking where you get them and stuff... When I told them they had to be fed live insects, they all suddenly became a lot less interested! Haha!

I took an Idolomantis to a class once. Most students really enjoyed that except for the one girl who hid in the corner the whole time. Presentation sounds like it went well.

Lol fine...here is one of them...I'm working on the europe ones too...

My best friend's girlfriend is being more brave than he and holding this adult carolina female WHILE eating a roach...Im proud of her lol...


Very cool! I can't wait to see the pictures!

This sounds like something that I'd want to do, but I have some other leadership plans as well.

The hands-on, live mantids being there sounds like it added A TON to your presentation. I can imagine all the transfixed students as the mantids came out, one by one, wavering slighting and looking so awe-inspiring!!!
