Well-known member
Yeah, we plan to switch over to ziplock bags for winter feeding. The can came with the bees. Figured the bees should use up its contents, and too lazy to transfer to a baggie.If you want a feeding source that will lay flat, try pouring sugar syrup into a plastic ziplock bag. Cut an X into it, or slits, which ever you prefer. Place this on top of the frames or inner cover and close the hive.
SG, I did find something for you today. It was in the queen cage(vacated) of all places. Meet my new little friend. Enjoy the glamour shot I took of s/he.

Yeah, so today, I prematurely checked the queen cage inside the hive(can't leave things alone). After I determined she had made her escape(she's marked and I saw her out and about on a frame), the queen cage was removed, and I filled the space it was occupying with the last two frames. I'm going to try to leave them alone for a week or so.
Their orientation flights are mesmerizing. It's akin to staring into a campfire. Primitive TV.