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  1. Chivalry

    Losing my favorite girl :(

    I lost her that same day. Yeah, I'm not sure exactly what the issue is but several seem to be getting abdominal infection/blockage, lack of stool, abdomen looks odd, pretty quick death by the time I realize something is wrong. The only thing I can think of to blame is the pet store crickets. I...
  2. Chivalry

    Roach Recommendation

    I think I'd like to start a couple of roach colonies, one smallish-medium one and one for my larger mantids. I'm kind of overwhelmed at the number of species available and I'd like some input on which ones are better and why. I definitely want something I can keep contained pretty easily. I...
  3. Chivalry


    I use them, but not as a main food source. They (and wax worms, which I prefer) are a great filler when you're waiting for flies to hatch, or whatever.
  4. Chivalry

    Losing my favorite girl :(

    My lobata female is dying :( I've had a few unexplained deaths lately, and I'm wondering if it's the crickets. Several of their abdomens looked wrong, they got weak, and died. She won't take water or honey, and I'm not sure what else I can do for her other than keep her comfortable and see...
  5. Chivalry

    L1 Deaths

    Do you think better humidity would help?
  6. Chivalry


    Mike was great to work with, I got 4 nymphs from him and he worked with me on payment times and shipping times (it's been over 100 F here and I thought that might be bad news). They were masterfully packed in individual cups (budwings are hungry!) and he included a fruit fly culture to feed the...
  7. Chivalry

    Betta fish owners ?

    I'll have to see if I can get pics of mine, it's a pain because he's in a round bowl and it does weird things to the light. I really enjoy him, though. I put him in a bowl that's probably a couple of gallons, when he'd probably never been in anything bigger than 16 oz or so. He spent the...
  8. Chivalry

    Acrosternum hilare log

    Good lord. Come pick all you want off my cucumbers. I squished a bunch yesterday and I still can't get the smell off me. All gardeners despise them. You want some Japanese beetles? :)
  9. Chivalry


    Can you give me a link or two for more info on raising them? I'm definitely interested. Also, do you know how far they can travel? I get them in my garden and they can devour plants... but I can't stand the thought of squishing them so I usually chuck them as far as I can into the neighbor's...
  10. Chivalry

    I lost my one and only praying mantis yesterday :(

    I sort of wish I could avoid getting attached to the males.... it happens though.
  11. Chivalry

    I want to...

    This is why it's funny. And, well, because it really looks like he's riding a bicycle. I had nothing to do with it, it's an LOLcats type thing that someone sent me (I would photo credit but memes are notorious for photo use without credit and I can't track it)
  12. Chivalry

    Outside pets

    Incredibly cool! I don't suppose you happened to have your camera...?
  13. Chivalry

    Do Chinese mantids hide in high temps(100F-105F)

    Wow, really? I couldn't possibly keep track of mine even if my little garden was enclosed.
  14. Chivalry

    I lost my one and only praying mantis yesterday :(

    Sorry to hear you lost him :( I have less success with Chinese than any of the other species I keep, including idolomantis. They're just difficult, and very prone to mismolt. We kept eight out of the ooths that our girl Murph hatched (she was a garden bug too) and as of yesterday we were...
  15. Chivalry

    Double shield HUGE ooth

    Mine was huge too... I don't know if it's fertile tho :(
  16. Chivalry


    What about when they have that rupture thing happen... can they hang on after that? Here's a pic - albeit a crappy one, it was my phone and she wouldn't sit still - of the side of her abdomen.
  17. Chivalry

    HI GUYS!!!

    Geez, an old pro in 5th grade! Welcome to the forum. I'd love to see pics of your mantids :)
  18. Chivalry

    I want to...

  19. Chivalry


    Wish I could've snagged him but I was out of town and he wouldn't have survived the car ride home. Plus, no specimen jars or anything although a drink cup might've been modified... do you guys keep some in your car or something for cool critters you run across?