yes yes please post the pictures!Ill take a pic
I had been searching for a black crowntail in three different pet store! I had seen one but someone came to claim it, Darn it! I wish you lived close by my house so I'd take them off your hands. lol. Got any picture?Just a crowntail that's all black. Also got a female crowntail.. not sure how much longer I'm going to keep them
I know! I saw crowntail & double tail babies. I 'd buy one but were afraid that they are so fragile so I bought Unicorn (pictured adove) instead.I saw some baby bettas at the pet store. They were so cute.
If they were not fighter, I'd buy 20 of them for my 30 gallon long tank. All i know is that the female bettas can live together with alot of plants. I plan to buy one. I saw a few green and white female crowntail in my local pet store.Betas are so cool, i just wish they wouldn't kill each other
Bettas are peaceful with some fish species. Besides other bettas, paradise fish and gouramis are just a few examples that are usually not tolerated by male bettas.I've got a double tail betta male who lives peacefully with 2 cory cats, 5 glo light tetras, a glass catfish, and a colony of ghost shrimp. I put the ghost shrimp in there for him to eat but he prefers to hang out with them. The ghost shrimp have in fact started spawning. I think I have found the most mellow betta ever. I also have a female but she's on her own because she's super mean.