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  1. cometmoth

    New member

  2. cometmoth

    For Sale Sphodromantis sp Tanzania nymphs available

    $8 ea, i2. Want to trade for other species as well
  3. cometmoth

    For Sale Mantis and mixed inverts

    Sale list prices negotiable on bigger purchase Can meet up in Whittier-Riverside CA Miscellaneous Moon crabs Gecarcinus lateralis large specimens. $20 ea, four available. Red eye devil katydid, spinosa 2 available, $30 ea Borneo Tricolor Crabs Lepidothelphusa menneri rarest of the...
  4. cometmoth

    Wanted Looking for mature male pseudocreobotra wahlbergii

    ISO mature male spiny flower mantis
  5. cometmoth


    he likely doesnt want anyone to see because his facility is a mess and the conditions for his animals are horrible
  6. cometmoth

    For Sale Ghost Mantids and other inverts

    Located in whittier, CA Amblypygid Damon diadema adult pair $175 Mantis Ghost mantis presubadult/subadult pairs $30 Ghost mantis small nymphs $10 Phidippus regis mixed sizes $20 ea Isopods 8x CB Cubaris Jupiter + 5ct centrobolus splendidus $200 Millipede...
  7. cometmoth

    Firenkyo's Mantids

    very sorry for your loss. you clearly loved minty. minty had a good life and was lucky to have such a good keeper
  8. cometmoth

    ISO Bulk Nymphs. No common native sp.

    Prefer Ghosts Spiny Flower Giant Asian But interested in anything but common native species
  9. cometmoth

    Breeding Panther mantises

    Feed the male and female well. They can be aggressive and attack anything if hungry. What I did is put the female on a long bamboo cane, and give her food, then intrifude the male facing her back behind her as she eats. From there, he should notice her in time and hop on. Very eager to mate...
  10. cometmoth

    spiny flower mantis uncommon roach species and more

    located in whittier ca Centrobolus Splendidus sexed pairs $45 Platymeris sp Mombo 6ct nymphs $40 Platymeris laevicollis 3ct nymphs $25 Deropeltis paulinoi 10ct $35 Gyna caffrorum chrome roach 20ct $30 Springtail cup $10 Cubaris Panda King 20ct $25 Dairy cow isopods 15ct $10 Armadillidium...
  11. cometmoth

    Mantis with purple front legs

    how interesting. i imagine they function like the boxer species for communicating.
  12. cometmoth

    Spiny flower mantis with yellow

    what fantastic specimens
  13. cometmoth

    Mantids and other inverts

    tarantula prices firm, all others negotiable. Let’s make a deal, I need to clear out space. very motivated to sell. price matching. Shipping from California. Pickup in Whittier-riverside area. Praying Mantis Aquamarine (Prohierodula ornatipennis) Mature female + subadult male $110 Aquamarine...
  14. cometmoth

    Haven't been visit the mantis forum since covid, but it seems I'm not the only one.

    i love it here. I wish more people used it. but the current discussion has moved to other platforms it seems.. sadly. the wealth of knowledge that remains here keeps me coming back.
  15. cometmoth


    Received a good number of duckies from @Acro at a great deal! Despite numerous delays, communication remained good and ultimately I was pleased with my order! :)
  16. cometmoth

    New website, help test and get 10% off first order!

    citharomantis falcata?
  17. cometmoth

    need help finding food for ghost mantis

    You could try catching wild food outside if the environment is clean!
  18. cometmoth

    Help with Deroplatys Lobata

    good to hear it is recovering. I agree with @agent A , looks more like truncata
  19. cometmoth

    Helping females lay ooths

    keeping them hydrated and with a variety of surfaces to lay on is just about as much as you can do.. an infertile ooth can take a while before its finally laid, females seem to try to hold onto the eggs for as long as they can.