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  1. W

    iris oratoria ooth question

    if anyone wants them, they can have them i have 3. the only problem is 1. they are in southern california, and i dont live there no more. 2. they will probly have to wait till the female mantis dies so i can get them out the cage i made( she layed 2 on the cage structure if anyone wants to...
  2. W

    iris oratoria ooth question

    no no my mantis mated with the male, its just she ate him after they were done. BUT she layed 3 ooths, and i dont know what to do with them. i moved and they are not with me anymore but i have someone watching the mantis for me. i just want to know if its safe to put the ooths outside, and if...
  3. W

    iris oratoria ooth question

    Hi i found an ooth of iris oratoria last season, well it hatched and i had loads of little mantis. time has passed and now i have one female left. i had a male too but she ate him after mating. so a month or maybe a little more ago she layed an ooth, then a week or two later another one. i am...
  4. W

    problems shedding

    well it was a bit more than 2 minutes, and im pretty sure he was dead. the dots in his eyes were gone. he just looked like he had no life in him. i didnt want to do it, but i also didnt want him to suffer in his stuck skin forever. mantislord- cool good to know.
  5. W

    problems shedding

    thanks mantis lord. i will probly have to seperate the females. they seem to be giving each other the eye of hunger. are the the male one hasent even shed to adult yet so i dont think they can mate yet. he should pretty soon, hopefully.
  6. W

    problems shedding

    well i have two females and one left to molt and is smaller. im guessing is the male. hopefully he hurries up and molts because i want some more ooths for next year. oh and there all in the same cage already. and i feed them as much as possible. i will just let them do there natural thing.
  7. W

    problems shedding

    ok when you say full wings? does that mean they go all the way down to the tip. one just shedded and it only took a few minutes so i know for sure the other had problems. man is it big!!! wow waht a jump in size from the last shed. well so back to the wings. ill look for segments but the wings...
  8. W

    problems shedding

    yea i know i should, i know how but forgot the details. i know u gotta count the segments on its back or something. anyways i couldn't stand watching it suffer anymore not being able to move or anything, i put it in the freezer for 2 mins or so. makes me real sad and made today a real bummer...
  9. W

    problems shedding

    rick yea, i think that is what has happened. his head was pinned down like as if you put your chin you your chest. and after i made it so he can move his head is still kind of stuck there. i dont think the little one will make it sadly. is there a quick way to kill him, i dont want to let it...
  10. W

    problems shedding

    iris oratoria ^^ so far its gotten out even more, mainly its just got the old skin on the end of its ######, and also the end of the legs. which seems to be keeping it from bending its legs properly. poor little guy makes me sad :(
  11. W

    problems shedding

    thanks cosmic, i started spraying water in there yesterday and i noticed it helped. ive taken him out and helped with some very fine scissors, making sure to be VERY careful. ive helped him out A LOT and hes or even she, has the two bottom legs and the ###### end to go, which i figure he can do...
  12. W

    problems shedding

    yea i figures that, so i should try and help? its gotten a little further than before but still slow. the wings are now almost fully open but it seems his antennae are still connected and hes stuck. hopefully he dont die :( i only got 4 left.
  13. W

    problems shedding

    well my mantis, one of them has just started molting and getting its wings! well it started yesterday morning. and then i noticed it got to a point ant stopped. so now its the next day and hes barely made it out a little further. does the last molt of the one where they get their wings take...
  14. W

    Looking for mantids in California

    i live in socal, i looked in nature for a long time never found mantis. i gave up stopped looking and i found 2 ooths in my backyard while doing yardwork. they always seem to find you not the other way around. but im sure if you looked hard enough in the right places you will find some.
  15. W

    Fruit Fly vs Wild Fruit Fly

    the water bottle idea sounds good, because the thing i buy them in is a pain in the a$$ to get them into the enclosure.
  16. W

    my mantis need food

    wow thats cool. i was surprised when i was told tuna lol. i put some banana in there once to feed the fruit flies and mantis got stuck to it lol. i had to take it out. well today is gonna be food catch day, at least until i take off to the zoo for some photography.
  17. W

    iris oratoria mantis

    i was just esstimating. they could only be an inch. thanks for the comments, i will take some more soon.
  18. W

    my mantis need food

    thanks again for everyones replys, i have time tomarrow and will try just about anything i can. ooooh the light method i like it. even if i dont find food lots of good macro opportunity's. i might go try that right now.
  19. W

    iris oratoria mantis

    thanks ogiga, they are getting close to 2 inches big for the bigger ones. id say 1.75 inches.
  20. W

    my mantis need food

    sadly i watched as a bigger one at a smaller one yesterday. i cant catch enough food. id have to be out all day in the heat searching for bugs to barely get enough. i need a way to trap bugs alive, theres gotta be a way.