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  1. C

    What species is this?

    More pics...still first instar.
  2. C

    What species is this?

    From oz, southwest. Could be Perth, all the way down to Albany. My friend has got no idea 'cos he was travelling and the mother laid the egg case when he parked somewhere. :lol:
  3. C

    What species is this?

    Thanks, everyone! The pics are of the nymphs which are about 1/3" long when they hatched. p.s. Hi, Yen. Not sure if you still remember me. Regards! ^_^
  4. C

    What species is this?

    Sorry, I forgot to add that I am from Singapore and is also looking for adoptive parents for the nymphs. If anyone local or in Malaysia have access to pinhead crickets or fruit fly cultures, please pm me. Thanks a million! ^_^
  5. C

    What species is this?

    A dear friend found the ooth attached to the antenna of his UTT and sent it to me for fun. He lives 5000km south from me so I am totally at a loss of which species it might be. Friends from down under and anyone who have an inkling, please help with the ID. THANKS LOADS!!
  6. C

    Are they really that ferocious??

    Poor boy!! :o
  7. C

    A minute of silence for my first pair of Tropidomantids

    Seven 3ft T5 flourescent lights switched on at night for my carnivorous plants. :lol: But I HAVE to rescue the mantids that turn up at my balcony because of the sundew plants I have there. Once caught in the plants, their wings will be stuck and if they get the digestive juice on their...
  8. C

    A minute of silence for my first pair of Tropidomantids

    Yet another male flew in last night! From now on, I will make sure I go and sit at my balcony every night. And hope for a female... :lol:
  9. C

    A minute of silence for my first pair of Tropidomantids

    Dear friends, I am now convinced that male Tripidomantids fly into my balcony to seek refuge from the females and die peacefully in a plastic box. The new male just died. :(
  10. C

    A minute of silence for my first pair of Tropidomantids

    What?!? AB, I'll take your word for it. :lol:
  11. C

    Tropidomantis ooth

    Use a small piece of double-sided tape. ;)
  12. C

    A minute of silence for my first pair of Tropidomantids

    A male just flew into my balcony! :)
  13. C

    A minute of silence for my first pair of Tropidomantids

    AB, I gave away most of the nymphs and the rest died while they moulted. :(
  14. C

    A minute of silence for my first pair of Tropidomantids

    :( The male died last week and the female died today. Probably due to old age as there is no change in their surroundings and conditions.
  15. C

    WHEEE!!!! Another Tropidomantis tenera visits!

    You can lay the ooth in a plastic need to be upside down and the nymphs will just hatch like that. Not that I am very experienced with the species to say so but I removed one ooth and left it the wrong side up. The nymphs hatched before I could glue it upside down. :lol:
  16. C

    Feeding mealworms/superworms

    My Tropidomantids can be frightened by a mere mealworm because they are about the same size. The female is more ferocious and attacks quite quickly. She finishes the while worm in about 15 minutes. The male runs away almost everytime I place a mealworm in his box. Only recently, he took one...
  17. C

    Attracting a male Tropidomantid Tenera

    Not sure if my female released pheromones to attract a male but it did appear a couple of weeks after her. But instead of flying to the balcony where she was, he flew into my study room! :lol: Seriously, I think they are attracted by the lights at night.
  18. C

    Which mantid in SE Asia is 5" long, green and has a pinkish abdomen?

    Hmm...the green is not like the male which is in your photo, macro junkie. The green is more of a lime green and there is this nice rainbow sheen either on the eyes or the wings. I was too mesmerised to was like sparkling! B)
  19. C

    WHEEE!!!! Another Tropidomantis tenera visits!

    Photos of mating process here. ;)
  20. C

    Tropidomantid tenera - offsprings in the making

    The male groomed himself after the act. He did get a little bent. :lol: