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  1. B

    A sad, sad day...

    My new baby arrived yesterday! african mantis this time.. it molted for the first time this morning.. i'll post some pics hopefully later. Problem is I cant think of a good african name for it beins as im unsure what sex it is as yet, heres some ideas from a few mates lol : Mustafa Simba Zulu...
  2. B

    A sad, sad day...

    Hi All, Thank you all for your kind words and advice. Over the weekend I popped round to my pals who has a few orchid mantids and also has a giant asian ( banjo's sister! ) so I just fed his and let them have a little mooch round, after having a chat with my pal I did decide that I would get...
  3. B

    Very very sad...

    sorry to hear about your loss :(
  4. B

    A sad, sad day...

    Afternoon all, After having my beloved ' Banjo ' ( giant asian ) for 1 year, 1 month and 12 days she sadly passed away last night. I tried in vain everything I could to keep her alive, from a dab of honey on a cocktail stick, stunning a cricket so it couldnt bite her, right down to sitting with...
  5. B

    Longest lived mantid?

    im fairly new to the hobby and have only had x1 giant asian ( called Banjo lol ) she lives quite happily on top of my tropical fish tank, i had her from when she was about an inch in size. I was given her in Dec 07, although I have to feed her by hand now she is still mooching around going...
  6. B

    FS:giant asian nymphs

    Hi Dan, Are you in the UK or if not can you ship to the UK? Cheers Bradley.
  7. B

    Lazy Mantid!!

    excellent! Thank you all for the suggestions and i'll get on the case now... i'll drop a quick update on any success! :D
  8. B

    Lazy Mantid!!

    ' banjo ' update: Went to hand feed her last night and to my amazement she has laid her 2nd ooth! so that may explain her going off her food recently.. it's such a shame that I cant find a male to mate with her, ive trawled the net to no avail .. does anyone have any suggestions of where i can...
  9. B

    Lazy Mantid!!

    Hi mantidlord, I've tried for nearly 2 months now to find a male giant asian but to no avail, ive even posted in the sales/wants section. everywhere i look on the net seems to be shipping within the states and not to the uk :( but if anyone at all knows any breeders/friends etc that would...
  10. B

    Lazy Mantid!!

    Thanks all for all your advice everyone.. yeah it is a real shame but i suppose i knew that she would have to go at some point, it will be one sad sad morning when i find her no longer perched.. I really didn't think i would get attached to a mantid, a cat, a dog yes.. Well i've decided to...
  11. B

    Lazy Mantid!!

    hi all, just wondered if ' banjo ' is just being down right lazy or if there are other factors that are causing her to be this way.... well the problem is about 2 weeks ago she stopped eating for 3 - 4 days at a time, so i gave her a little bit of honey which she seemed to really enjoy to keep...
  12. B

    black spots?

    yes rick there the ones i was talking about..
  13. B

    black spots?

    So do mantids have to have their last molt before they can lay ooths? ' banjo ' is as far as im aware a fully grown adult as she hasn't shed for a long time but she has laid 1 ooth so far? it would be great if she just molts one last time and gets rid of the black dots! she also seems fine and...
  14. B

    black spots?

    Happy new year all! Over the holidays my giant asian started to get some little black spots around its body ( just on its sides ), I haven't changed her diet or surroundings... is she going to be ok??? :( is there any treatments etc i should be trying to get hold of???
  15. B

    Amazing mantid facts!!

    ok .. no ones playin so heres another... :lol: The word mantis derives from the Greek word mantis for prophet or fortune teller..
  16. B

    Amazing mantid facts!!

    Hi All, Thought I would start a thread so people can add their snippets of amazing facts regarding the beautiful mantis family! Did you know? Praying mantids’ excellent eyesight allows some to see movement up to 60 feet (18 meters) away... Your go! ...... :D
  17. B

    giant asian mantid male needed!

    Or does anyone have 1 for sale??? :huh:
  18. B

    Hi all from Tamworth, staffordshire UK

    West bromwich albion ?? :lol: no sorry thats over in ' yam yam ' land ( they talk like ' yam alright yam ya? ' ) .. im not a propper brummy, i do live near to birmingham tho but im more into my rugby to be honest .. anyways how come you know who ' the albion ' are Philin?? :D
  19. B

    help with giant asian mantid please!

    Hi Kat! Yeah there absolutely mint! love em! cant believe im now 29 and only just found out they were so cool and wacky! I've just posted in the breeding section to see if I can get her a fella to do the business with so fingers crossed might end up with a load of lil banjo's soon! Oh and I...
  20. B

    giant asian mantid male needed!

    My beloved 'Banjo' has laid her first ooth but is infertile and I would really like to breed her as soon as possible before she dies ( she may only have 3 - 6 months left :( ) If anyone in the uk has a male that I could use ( I'd do my very best to make sure she doesn't eat him! ) in return...