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  1. T

    My male mantis looks crippled now.

    He was just laying there in his container I thought at first he was dead. But when I picked him up I realized he was molting. I didn't know they lay motionless while they are molting. Now his prey arms are all messed up one he cant hold it right in front of him its sticking out completely...
  2. T

    Our Setup

    Wow how many mantids do you own? I like your set up whats the black things on the top of the containers?
  3. T

    Holding you mantis and it.....

    How many of you have been holding your mantis and trying to study it and it decides to jump on your face?
  4. T

    Creepy says hi!

    On the inside of both her prey hands she has 2 black dots on each of them.
  5. T

    Creepy says hi!

    Heres the other same kind of ooth that the one she hatched from.
  6. T

    Creepy says hi!

    I always forget to post the important info I was just took excited to post a picture of her. She was a wild picked ooth that I found here in ohio. I also have several more of the same types of ooths that I havent let hatch yet.
  7. T

    Creepy says hi!

    Hello! Can anyone tell me what species I am? My owner isn't sure.
  8. T

    Anyone wanna swap different species? still in Ooths?

    Anyone wanna trade different species still in ooths?
  9. T


    Hello all im new and have 2 mantis's one male one female. Im from Ohio I call my female mantis Creepy And my male Spikey.
  10. T

    my mantis bit my lip

    She stays in her cage at night. Im handeling her right now and she is behaving.
  11. T


    Do you still have any?
  12. T

    My current breeding

    What breed of mantis is this? Were could i buy the eggs for these ones at? I only see chinese egg cases for sale.
  13. T

    my mantis bit my lip

    My praying mantis bit my lip. Well actually I let it to see what it would feel like. It took about 4 or 5 bites out of my lip. And my boyfriend was like you better hope they are not poisiness. Im trying to get my lip to stop bleeding. Well actually i think it stopped now but bleed for 5 minutes...