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  1. thorhack

    Chinese ooth #2

    So the second ooth hatched today, about 2 weeks after the first I though it was a dud so I left it outside in the deli container for more natural humidity. I came home from work today and there were hundreds! actually probably just a 100, the sad part was it looked like they all fried coming...
  2. thorhack

    Petsmart hydei?

    Yes I have a cornmeal/honey mixture going right now. Oh, and another question. I see maggots in the green goo inside the petsmart vials. However they're not moving, I know It'd be the same if they were in a normal culture, but what I'm curious about is how they don't suffocate?
  3. thorhack

    Petsmart hydei?

    I bought 2 vials of hydei melanogaster from petsmart since i"m kinda broke and cannot afford a larger culture. I asked the woman near the flies if i could start my own from the 2 vials. She said uh no i doubt it. But the label on the back calls it a culture and says it should produce 5 to 7...
  4. thorhack

    Phyllothelys werneri L1

    wow everything about this species looks sick, aggressive, grungy, and a bit post-apocalyptic. I love it
  5. thorhack

    Dang, this kind of sucks

    Awh man that sounds awesome! I'm sure you can find them, in parks and such. If not you can definitely find some males around gas stations!
  6. thorhack

    my mantis wont eat :(

    I seem to remember you posting about eating problems a few days ago. Still hasn't molted yet? I'm psyched to see my first molt!
  7. thorhack

    Finally Found One!

    now if only they weren't so difficult to find, the only wilds I seem to even spot are males.
  8. thorhack

    Finally Found One!

    I'm curious, can you find this species in the midwest? I know I found a stagmomantis carolina, and chinese. But I would really love this type. They're just the definition my visual image when i think praying mantis.
  9. thorhack

    Ooth hatched

    yeah there's excelsior, There's around 20 now, doing good however they're not eating anything. Not even each other. the other ootheca had not hatched. But I've been misting it more frequently per your guy's advice
  10. thorhack

    Ooth hatched

    This morning there are like 10 or so walking around and good, some fresh, some dry and there's like another 10 either crippled or just dead at the bottom of the container. It's like they came out still wet and fell straight to the bottom....
  11. thorhack

    Chinese Mantises at Temple

    Man, those mantids are gorgeous, are they chinese? I'd really love to find some with color like that here!
  12. thorhack

    Ooth hatched

    I was misting the top and inside of the container every other day, I heard not to directly spray the ooth as it may could create mold. I caught a bunch of baby moths and some type of mini-leaf hopper things for food. But they don't eat till 2 or 3 days right?
  13. thorhack

    Ooth hatched

    So i got home today after a parkour jam to discover that one of my ooths had hatched! but there's only two matids in the container, I had the impression that there would be many many more. Plus they look dry, and already brown or green, like it's been awhile since they hatched. did they eat all...
  14. thorhack

    I'm Baaaack

    hey guys what's up? It's been a horribly miserable winter, cold and extra crappy. But this summer is going to be SO great. i was outside smoking at work today and was like: "man there's alot of bugs out now" Then it hit me, It's mantis season! Instead of just catching wilds I want to start with...
  15. thorhack

    Portable Bug Vacuum.

    How bout a modified turkey baster? I'm serious though you could just chop the end off and hot glue a larger end onto it. should provide enough suction, if not throw a bigger bulb on it.
  16. thorhack

    Free Gonatista grisea nymphs

    Oh Oh Pick me!!!! :) how muchie? :)
  17. thorhack

    Mantids flock to me :)

    So last night when my girlfriend and i were walking up the stairs to our apartment after college. I go to open our door and she screams, "Baby, BABY, another Chinese!" I was thoroughly excited and went to her to inspect. He was a beautiful specimen. One of the largest I've seen since Scythe, and...
  18. thorhack

    Dactylotum bicolor

    That thing is sick! wow, It almost looks as if someone photoshop'ed some psychedelic colors onto a normal hopper. haha However, i wasn't aware you could culture hoppers also. I've always tried to catch a couple for my mantids with no luck
  19. thorhack


    Are those the ooths that the babies are on? they look like bean casings haha
  20. thorhack

    Stay away from me!

    Dang, this species looks so cool!. I really like the Ghosts, and Idolos for their looks. But I also love the normal looking mantids, like the chinese. But these seem to be a steriod filled chinese. Really cool find yen