Portable Bug Vacuum.


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Well-known member
Aug 22, 2010
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Ok, I really couldn't figure out what forum to put this in, so we will try it here.

Anyway. I was looking at the battery operated bug collecting vacuum (non-killing).

The Bioquip unit is sweet, but hundreds of dollars.

The ones for kids and the ones for people afraid of the bugs in their house don't review well in terms of breaking and suction power.

But I have not used any of them.

I would consider a DIY project, but that in turn would still involve buying a vacuum. I like the look of the Dewalt portable shop vac, that runs on 120V or Dewalt batteries (as I have those anyway). But that baby is $100. Kind of hard to justify.

Bioquip also has a unit that seems to be a modified Black and Decker hand held.

Anyway, I was just wondering if anyone had used any of them?

How bout a modified turkey baster?

I'm serious though you could just chop the end off and hot glue a larger end onto it. should provide enough suction, if not throw a bigger bulb on it.

Great thought; doesn't work! :D By the time you get the business end of the baster close enough to the fly, it will fly away. This is often also true when you use a much more powerful vacuum cleaner device on individual flies outside of the cage. But it's so easy to do that you might want to give it a try! Show us a video of the laughing flies!

I can barely work a turkey baster with stationary liquids!

What about a combination of refridgeration and turkey baster...? I'm happy with the system I have now, but there's always room for innovation, right...?

Well, I was asking about experiences with portable units because I am looking for something for the field. It's not like the Prof said "Hey, we need one of these, make it.", because then I would totally be about that Dewalt unit.

I think ultimately, my brain is getting ahead of my actual needs. On the other hand, it woulds be useful for catching bitey things (black widows) and fast moving things (cave crickets, little scorpions). That said, I catch all these things with out a vacuum. SO I am probably just over complicating my life in an attempt to simplify it.
