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    Bad Molt Rehab

    I'm so sorry to hear this. Our little guy is sick and I think won't last the night. My sympathies. It'sjust so very sad. Kris
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    Angel- that's a beautiful mantis in your profile picture. What kind is it?
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    Mantid books

    We need a good basic care guide and beginner book, too. If you fond anything, please let us know.
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    Mantis Diarrhea, Please help!

    Thanks for responding. Little Mantie went downhill rapidly today, no interest in food at all, and very weak. He will take a little water from my son's hand, but that's about it, and he just wants to be held. It's heartbreaking. I wish I knew what we did wrong on all of this and what brought...
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    Mantis Diarrhea, Please help!

    Hi, I'm a new member, and so relieved to find a forum for mantis lovers. We have a baby Chinese mantis, and he is the sweetest little guy. He is about 3 inches long and maybe 5th or 6th molt but I could be wrong. He has been fed a diet primarily of fruit flies, and we recently introduced...