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  1. W

    Open Concept Chinese Mantid!!

    Hmm, hopefully next spring I can find some!
  2. W

    Open Concept Chinese Mantid!!

    Awww, I wonder why I have so many carolinas? Anyways, she (he?) has moved spots but hasnt tried to escape or anything, so thats good. The woodlice population and springtails are BOOMING in the viv, so Im going to plant some ferns on the back wall with some other sort of trailing viny plant...
  3. W

    Open Concept Chinese Mantid!!

    She is camoflauged so well it takes me foooorever to find her...
  4. W

    Open Concept Chinese Mantid!!

    Caught this little bugger and decided to make an open concept housing. The pothos plant he calls home:
  5. W

    My New (European?) Mantis!!

    Some great new pictures up!!!
  6. W

    My New (European?) Mantis!!

    Hurray, Ooths are in the house!! (notice Herbert eating in the background after her hard work) I know I'm not supposed to directly spray it, but would it be a bad idea to not move the ooth?
  7. W

    Inch worms

    Just wonderin. Right now I have a plague of fungus knats and their larvae are tiny, clear, and live in the soil...
  8. W

    Inch worms

    Were they clear and kinda like tiny versions of the asian "sphaghetti?"
  9. W

    What are Considered Poisonous Bugs?

    Wow, I knew there have been cases of them catching birds but I never really realized the true ratio of size between what they can catch....
  10. W

    What are Considered Poisonous Bugs?

    Are vertebrates (i.e pinkies, baby frogs and lizards, etc) bad for mantids?
  11. W

    What are Considered Poisonous Bugs?

    Hmm, I may try feeding him a moth then graduate to a wasp....
  12. W

    My New (European?) Mantis!!

    Hmmm, I am relieved to hear that. She has had a thumbnail sized grasshopper the past 3 days. Will try and offer something new Saturday, maybe even a baby gecko if I can catch one...
  13. W

    What are Considered Poisonous Bugs?

    I'm guessing no bees or spiders either?
  14. W

    What are Considered Poisonous Bugs?

    Which bugs should I definitely not be feeding my mantis? (I want her to get some variety, but so far I've only been feeding grasshoppers) PS: Can a mantis eat itself to death?
  15. W

    My New (European?) Mantis!!

    Why, thank you 4upakabra!! @likebugs: she only falls when climbing the glass or when my hand goes in the tank and she runs for cover, so hopefully its not too big of an issue. Do you think it would hurt her if I offered live grasshoppers around that size every day?
  16. W

    My New (European?) Mantis!!

    I just put a live grass hopper in the cage. ( I was thinking I would have to retrieve it tomorrow and hand feed her) 2 Hours later I find her munching on it... PS: I was trying to get her to sit on my hand and she feel into the leaf litter skittering away in fear. Does falling itself actually...
  17. W

    Insect Traps

    Bahaha, I should probably get a net. I never knew grasshoppers could fly a little :D
  18. W

    My New (European?) Mantis!!

    I offered it to her when it was alive, but after several tries she would not eat it and it was squeezed to death by the tweezers. She took it dead...
  19. W

    Insect Traps

    I use a really sophisticated technique, that most of you probably couldnt recreate at home. 1. Kick around in some tall grass, look for grasshoppers 2. Grab one (i.e. clumsily dive and flail until you find a lazy one) and cup it in your hand 3. ????? 4. Profit!! (om nom nom)
  20. W


    Well, consider yourself lucky. Herbert (my female carolina) absolutely loathes when I mist her tank. She runs for an overhangs, and I'm a bit worried she isn't getting enough water...