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  1. D

    Dylan Dobell (NEGATIVE)

    i wasnt going to post anything regarding this person but their attitude has swayed me into posting this comment. i recieved an ootheca on 19th of june from dylan, for which i offered to send payment immediately. i recieved message from dylan on 19th june also telling me to hold off payment...
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    julian camilo

    same here, my Pseudocreobater ooth hatched plenty of little mantids yesterday! i just hope the heat here at the moment dont kill them! thanks Julian!! Dean..
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    Rob Byatt

    Recieved some great mantises from Rob last week, all in superb condition, rob is also very generous which i think deserves a mention"" Would reccomend to anyone! cheers :D
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    communal mantises

    i will try at some point over the weekend, i've got to try and get my digicam up and running again!!! havent used it for ages!! :?
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    Pseudovates arizonae ( arizona unicorn mantis )

    they look very similar to the cryptic mantises, dont they
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    communal mantises

    i keep 16 ghosts in the 45x45x45 model with no difficulties!
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    Ian Batten - - (UK)

    my Sybilla ladies arrived safe and sound , as previous orders from Ian, well packed, well fed, Thanks Dean..
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    communal mantises

    i cannot reccomend the exo terra glass terrariums enough!!! i keep most of my mantids in these using the various sizes depending on species, and they can be used for lots of other things in the future if need be, i think they are...
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    Phyllocrania paradoxa colour change

    they actually turn and face each other, both then flash their abdomens, i have sen them do a threat display and this is not a threat, they take it in turns, one waves their abdomen, then the other, and then both walk away. i think it probably is a method of informing the other that both are...
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    Phyllocrania paradoxa colour change

    well, i hae sub adults, and relatively young all mixed and havent had any losses, you can actually see them communicate with each other using their abdomens! with a large terrariums, you also give them the opportunity to spread oujt though they dont really, and keep them well fed, i think that...
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    i have an ooth, now what

    depends a bit on th species you have as all species come from different locations with different sets of environmental conditions, do you know what the species is?
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    why my crickets killed my locust !

    i think its a very small hole and has sealed itself, the mantis is using its arm as normal as though nothing had ever happended!
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    why my crickets killed my locust !

    lol, the cricket i put in was too big, but until i put it in a saw it compared to the mantis it didnt, the mantis cleaned itself up, and then went a caught the cricket, though i got it by the back second time and the cricket had no chance, sweet revenge!!
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    Phyllocrania paradoxa colour change

    i keep them in an exo terra 45x45x45, my room is kept at about 24 degrees during daytime and 21 at night! they have a fluroscent light above their tank, lots of branches and a couple of flase plants, however most seem to hagn around one plant in particular in the top of the tank. a mixture of...
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    why my crickets killed my locust !

    they were well wrong, i know of a few people bitten by crickets, even last week i fed my dead leaf's a large cricket, i knew to big once i'd put it in but by then it was too late! the larger mantis grabbed it an it bit into the mantises forearm making a hole with bled mantis blood!!! anyway...
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    why my crickets killed my locust !

    i picked it up out of its tub, was going to feed it to my ants! it just turned its head slightly and latched on, obviously in defence, but crickets are so aggressive! even in my mantis tanks which i always leave a few live food items in, they are allways dragging around and fighting over any...
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    why my crickets killed my locust !

    ever watched black crickets in ther tub? their always killing each other!! i once decided to keep my brown and black crickets together in a tub, checked a couple of days later to find no brown crickets left? another question, have you ever been bitten by and adult cricket, let me tell you if...
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    Phyllocrania paradoxa colour change

    I understand what your saying chun but the mantises never remain in one place long enough for the microclimatic changes to effect them so extremely within their terrarium, i dont use live plants, have false plants and lots of sticks creating a varied environment, i have one strip light above...
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    Phyllocrania paradoxa colour change

    I know there has been a lot of talk about colour morphs in mantises and different conditions causing colour morph, i keep 16 ghosts in one large terrarium so all experience the same conditions, just observing yesterday, i noticed that one of the large individuals has turned green while the...
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    How often do you get a a pose like this? (pic)

    some great photos from both of you, its quite funny how photogenic they can be! :D