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  1. J

    FS/FT adult Creobroter pictipennis female

    Hello all I have a freshly molted indian flower mantis female that I will not have a male for. I have another pair getting ready to mate later this week but this little lady does not look like she will have a male to pair with. I am looking to sell her or trade for another species. Or if you...
  2. J

    H.parviceps acting weird very concerned

    She died?????????? well at least she fought. BTW when i came home she was surrounded in a puddle of blue liquid? is this mantid blood?
  3. J

    H.parviceps acting weird very concerned

    No i used to keep a whole bunch of chinese mantids then i let them go and untill a few months ago my intrest was resparked when i saw the spiny flower mantis. I am used to losses but not when they are going through the final molt. Well I have an update I thought she was done for last night as...
  4. J

    H.parviceps acting weird very concerned

    I mean that makes sence. she is living and still follows me with her head but whats with the color changes now her wing buds are kinda blue and her body goes from neon green to green???? IDK but i do feed her and mist her(she eats Fruit flys) I am clueless but will inform of any changes.
  5. J

    H.parviceps acting weird very concerned

    nope no molt(she SHOULD molt every other sunday or monday night). she is still alive she gets lighter then darker. is active(cleaning, moving arms) somtimes but others just barely moves her head.
  6. J

    H.parviceps acting weird very concerned

    thanks for the help
  7. J

    H.parviceps acting weird very concerned

    I did. she drinks but wont eat. I am waiting for signs of that brown eye thing but no signs.
  8. J

    H.parviceps acting weird very concerned

    yes no strength what so ever. i turned her right side up and she just has no strength i guess she just lays flat on her belly. She can move her arms but she keeps them in the molting position she is breathing(i can see her abdomen moving) she moves her head slightly and she can move her legs but...
  9. J

    H.parviceps acting weird very concerned

    well what is the correct temp? i keep her at 75F/night 80F/day.
  10. J

    H.parviceps acting weird very concerned

    Fruit flys, Flys(captive cultivated), butterflies(also from a cluture).
  11. J

    H.parviceps acting weird very concerned

    I do not use crickets? did the mantis live?
  12. J

    H.parviceps acting weird very concerned

    My H.parviceps was getting ready for her final molt last night but friday she started acting very weird. She was limp and unresponcive to stimuli(food, misting, and me opening her container). She had all four legs on the mesh top but if one of her legs came off the mesh she was unable to move...
  13. J

    Parviceps help

    ok thanks. HELPS ALOT :D
  14. J

    Parviceps help

    Just wondering when someone has the time if they could post a pic of an adult pair of them (marbled mantis). Thanks
  15. J

    Paypal advice...anyone? (Those USING paypal may want a look)

    on another site i go to this happened as well. Paypal is going to keep takeing funds from his account untill you are fully paid back. Can you drive to his buisness? or his house? I have been scamed by people who are stupid enough to give me their info and only live 3-4 hours away form me so i...
  16. J

    Centipede FS/T

    Scolopendra Alternans (Haitian giant) 6-7 inchs for sale or trade. Will trade for a fertile spiny flower, ghost,or dead leaf ooth. or will trade for a fertile female of the above, or a pair is even better. will sell for $40. $20 express(live garantee), $8 priorty(no garantee). comes with a free...
  17. J

    Do You Like Anime?

    I LOVE Evangelion, like DBZ, Full Metal Alchemist, Bastard, Naruto, Samuri Champloo, Scryed, Ghost in the shell(movie), Ghost in the Shell(series), Devil Hunter Yoko, and Agent Aika.
  18. J

    My Idea ...

    love the idea aswell but what about the US,UK, ect... how will it work?
  19. J


    WOW 7 u must be broke as heck man. hope u breed them sucessfully(if u want to that is).
  20. J

    How old is everyone here? etc etc

    Im 18 and new to the mantid scene but very expierenced with Centipedes and Trantulas. Have 3 mantids now but getting 4 more and 5 ooths in the near future. also an avid fish breeder. Bettas, cichlids, and koi are my specialtys.