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  1. T


    Recieve my mantids today... exellent packing, fast shipping, very friendly, Super Job... WIll buy again... Thank you
  2. T

    My crickets are all dying!!!???

    Its not your fault, there is a wide spread cricket diseases that has effected 80% of all the cricket farmers in the USA.... It will eventually hit all of them . The bad thing about this diseases is that no matter how well the farms clean there breeding cages, the diseases comes back...... the...
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    Recieved my ghosts from PragmaticHominid, They look great!!!!!!
  4. T

    Are mantis legal to buy and sell in michigan

    OK, this is just for Michigan, I dont know about any other state. I spoke to Fish and wildlife, Michigan DNR, Michigan Department Of Agraculute, and the USDA, and APHis, which i believe is part of the DOA. FOR MICHIGAN ONLY, we can buy and sell any praying mantis in Michigan, WE cannot ship or...
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    Are mantis legal to buy and sell in michigan

    I think i am going to stick to my poison arrow frogs and vield chameleons. Thats too bad. Looks like my vields are going to be getting an expensive feast!!!!!!
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    Are mantis legal to buy and sell in michigan

    Can someone tell me or name me the "legal mantis " i am able to keep breed and sell.... Thanks.
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    Are mantis legal to buy and sell in michigan

    Well that SUCKS! So i cant sell cool mantis at a show or to pet stores.
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    Are mantis legal to buy and sell in michigan

    Yep, as in Yes i can buy and sell mantis in michigan. I believe the answer is yes because there is nothing in writing on the michigan DOA web site that say's i cant.
  9. T

    Are mantis legal to buy and sell in michigan

    Hi, can i buy and sell praying mantis in michigan? i cant find anything in writing that says i cant? Also woundering why none of the pet stores sell these awsome creatures.