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  1. ems08d

    Comment by 'ems08d' in media 'Adult'

    She is just the cutest thing ever! And I love this picture.
  2. ems08d

    Captive -vs- Free

    I have been learning in my Biology class about how the environment can influence gene expression. It's called phenotypic plasticity or polyphenism. For example a snail will have a different shell shape if it is raised with a sunfish predator versus if it is raised with a crayfish predator based...
  3. ems08d

    weird orange/black growth on my mantid's mandible??

    @ Rick: It's definitely not something that used to be there. She eats normally, though. @Ntsees: It does look very similar. I wonder if that's what it is...
  4. ems08d

    Mantis and Phasmids expedition

    Holy ######! This is so incredibly cool! I want to do something like this SO BAD. I don't care if I have to deal with 100 million mosquitoes or leeches or bad hygiene or anything else. Is this your actual JOB?? What are the requirements? Is being a Bio major the right way to go? How athletic do...
  5. ems08d

    weird orange/black growth on my mantid's mandible??

    Took some better pics.. close-up:
  6. ems08d

    What are these "cracks" in mantis body?

    My S. Lineola looked just like that. Sometimes she was even fatter! I wouldn't worry about it. Here's a pic to compare....
  7. ems08d

    weird orange/black growth on my mantid's mandible??

    I tried to take a picture of it, but it didn't come out very good. It's brownish-orange with black specks. At first I thought it meant she was going to die, but she has had it for a couple of weeks now and seems fine. I thought it could be some kind of parasite (like a ribbonworm), but I can't...
  8. ems08d

    Hello from FL (pics and cute stories!)

    Oh ok. :P I have found some in the wild before. A religiosa female in the woods once, and one I only remember vaguely from when I was little which I kept as a pet. Oh, I also found a little grass mantid (Thesprotia graminis) the same day I found the walking stick. I kept him for awhile and he...
  9. ems08d

    Hello from FL (pics and cute stories!)

    Thank you everyone! Hertarem45- I found him in the middle of a field of thigh-high brown grass, too. I can't believe I spotted him- it was incredible. hibiscusmile-they've been adults since about July. I got them as 2nd-3rd instar in May. Rick- Yeah, my dad named him "Rick the Stick" lol Ryan...
  10. ems08d

    Hello from FL (pics and cute stories!)

    Oh I also found an Indian Walking Stick whom I named Rick. Here's a picture of Rick. He's a chill guy generally but once something startles him he's start RUNNING and when he gets to a gap (ex. at the end of my hand) his arms will start waving frantically looking for something to grab onto...
  11. ems08d

    Hello from FL (pics and cute stories!)

    Hi, I've been lurking around for a while and I think it's time to introduce myself. I'm 21 year-old female Bio/studio art major at FSU. One day I plan to be a ethologist (studying animal behavior). I have two mantids currently: a green ghost named Olive and a Euchomenella named Piccolo. I used...